
搜索资源 - estimation and tracking
复杂场景下运动目标的实时跟踪,在完成对目标模式匹配,目标运动估计和石台控制处理的基础上,对三个模块力加以综合,实现对运动目标的实时跟踪。-sports complex scene and real-time tracking of the target, the completion of the target pattern matching, Target Motion estimation and control of Shitai, on the basis of three integ
Knowledge of the process noise covariance matrix
is essential for the application of Kalman filtering. However,
it is usually a difficult task to obtain an explicit expression of
for large time varying systems. This paper looks at an adaptive
多目标检测,可用于视频监控,视觉目标跟踪,运动检测,及其它图像处理中的相关应用。-This code contains multiple object detection adaptable to visual surveillance, visual object tracking, motion estimation and other image processing applications.
Yaakov Bar-Shalom, X.-Rong Li,Thiagalingam Kirubarajan - Estimation with Applications to Tracking and Navigation - DynaEst toolbox -Yaakov Bar-Shalom, X.-Rong Li,Thiagalingam Kirubarajan- Estimation with Applications to Tracking and Navigation- DynaE
This paper studies the problem of tracking a ballistic object in
the reentry phase by processing radar measurements. A suitable
(highly nonlinear) model of target motion is developed and the
theoretical Cramer—Rao lower bounds (CRLB) of estimat
This volume, in the ITECH Vision Systems series of books, reports recent advances in the
use of pattern recognition techniques for computer and robot vision. The sciences of pattern
recognition and computational vision have been inextricably inte
在机动目标跟踪中,机动目标模型是机动目标跟踪的基本要素之一,一般希望机动目标模型能准确表征目标机动时的各种运动状态。比较常用的模型有匀速运动(CV)模型、匀加速运动(CA) 模型、时间相关模型(Singer)和机动目标“当前”统计模型。上述模型均采用机动频率表征目标的机动情况。在应用当中,通常采用固定的机动频率,这就表示机动目标的机动时间是一定的,而实际上机动目标的机动时间是不断变化的,也就是说机动频率是不断变化的,采用固定机动频率必然会带来误差。采样周期在0.5—2S时,机动频率越小跟踪精度越
This method is used for tracking wavelet/optical flow-based
detection for automatic target recognition in the following paper:
Dessauer, M. and Dua S. “Wavelet-based optical flow object detection, motion estimation, and tracking on moving vehic
对运动物体实现了运动估计和运动跟踪,使用非常方便-On the moving object implements motion estimation and motion tracking
时延估计和波束形成方法,在声源跟踪方面有用-Time delay estimation and beamforming methods, useful for tracking the sound source
adaptive beamformer using an FFT filter bank with/without DOA estimation and tracking
(frequency domain version of Frost beamformer)
一篇引用率非常高的英文文献,基于快速高斯的KDE目标跟踪-Efficient kernel density estimation using the fast gauss transform with applications to color modeling and tracking
多无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)协同目标跟踪在军/民用方面有
着广泛而又迫切的应用需求和重要的理论研究价值,是目前多 UAV 系统自主控制
领域的一个重要研究方向。本文以 UAV 执行对地侦察打击任务为应用背景,针对
复杂环境中多 UAV 协作式跟踪地面移动目标问题,重点围绕目标状态融合估计和
观测航迹优化两项关键内容展开研究-Multi-UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV) has a broad and col
The goal of the HumanEva dataset is to develop new techniques, technology, and
algorithms for the automatic articulated pose estimation and tracking of humans. Brown University
is involved in an ongoing effort to develop this dataset of synchroni
Introduction: The goal of the HumanEva dataset is to develop new techniques, technology, and
algorithms for the automatic articulated pose estimation and tracking of humans. Brown University
is involved in an ongoing effort to develop this datase
Introduction: The goal of the HumanEva dataset is to develop new techniques, technology, and
algorithms for the automatic articulated pose estimation and tracking of humans. Brown University
is involved in an ongoing effort to develop this datase
Background subtraction matlab code for object motion estimation and tracking in video
kalman目标估计与跟踪控制代码,涉及matlab下kalman,无忌卡尔曼以及扩展卡尔曼滤波估计与跟踪控制-kalman estimation and target tracking control code, involving matlab kalman, loudly Kalman and extended Kalman filter estimation and tracking control
采用卡尔曼滤波完成对于目标状态的融合估计和跟踪,实现多传感器对移动目标的持续有效跟踪。(Calman filter is used to complete the fusion estimation and tracking of the target state, and the multi sensor continuous and effective tracking of moving target is realized.)
tidep-0092参考设计的近程雷达提供了基础(SRR)使用awr1642评估模块(EVM)的应用。这种设计允许估计和位置跟踪(在方位平面)在其观点的高达80米的领域对象和速度,90kmph旅行一样快。的awr1642配置为多模式雷达,这意味着,当它跟踪物体在80m,它还可以生成对象在两千万丰富的点云,使汽车在远处,小障碍物附近可以检测。(The TIDEP-0092 reference design provides a foundation for short-range radar (S