- 如果一个数恰好等于它的因子之和,则称该数为“完全数”。 *题目分析与算法设计 根据完全数的定义,先计算所选取的整数a(a的取值1~1000)的因子,将各因子累加于m,若m等于a,则可确认a为完全数。 *-if it is equal to the sum of the factor, says the number of "totally few." * Topic analysis and algorithm design based on the defin
- some simple but time wasting math logic 一些不难但麻烦(适合用电脑作)的数学函数的源码 1.Test for Prime numbers 2.Find the factorial of a number 3.Find the triangle(total sum) of a number 4.Reverse every integer of a number 5.Find any power of any value 6.Fin
- FFT算法的基本原理是把长序列的DFT逐次分解为较短序列的DFT。按照抽取方式的不同可分为DIT-FFT(按时间抽取)和DIF-FFT(按频率抽取)算法。按照蝶形运算的构成不同可分为基2、基4、基8以及任意因子(2n,n为大于1的整数),基2、基4算法较为常用。,FFT algorithm is the basic principle of DFT successive long sequence is broken down into shorter sequences of DFT. In
- 三角函数atan的快速算法,用泰勒级数逼近,结果化为以半周为单位的量乘以比例系数,用整数表示,Trigonometric functions atan fast algorithm, using Taylor series approximation, the result turned into a half weeks in the amount of units multiplied by the ratio factor, with an integer that
- FFT算法的基本原理是把长序列的DFT逐次分解为较短序列的DFT.按照抽取方式的不同可分为DIT-FFT(按时间抽取)和DIF-FFT(按频率抽取)算法.按照蝶形运算的构成不同可分为基2、基4、基8以及任意因子(2n,n为大于1的整数),基2、基4算法较为常-The FFT algorithm s basic principle is decomposes gradually long sequence DFT into short sequence DFT. different may div
- 本实验是一个采用基于像素复制的方式来进行图像缩放的程序,它分别由两个小程序组成,图像缩小和图像放大,程序的输入为一个图像矩阵和缩放因子(为整数)。图像的缩放是对图像进行的一种几何变换,通过对图像对应矩阵得操作来实现对图像大小的改变。像素复制方法的图像缩放的原理主要是对原来输入图像的整行或是整列像素进行简单的复制与删除,达到改变图像的大小的目的,-Used in this experiment is a pixel-based approach to copy image scaling proc
- 用户输入一个范围 程序会将此范围内的完全数全部打印出来 (完全数即此整数的各个因子值的和等于该整数)-The user to enter a range of procedures would be fully within the scope of the number of all the print out (full number that is the integer value of each factor and equal to the integer)
- 一个很实用的程序,将一个正整数分解质因数。例如:输入90,打印出90=2*3*3*5。-A very useful procedure, a positive integer decomposition of the quality factor. For example: enter 90, print out 90 = 2* 3* 3* 5.
- 用vb编写的分解质因数的小程序,可以把一个正整数分解为质因数。-Vb prepared by the decomposition of the quality factor of small procedures, a positive integer can be decomposed into the quality factor.
- pollard算法,用于求整数的一个因子,时间复杂度为O(n^1/4)-Pollard algorithm, used to seek an integer factor, the time complexity is O (n ^ 1/4)
- Threw history,prime numbers has always be a great fascination for mathematicians. Even in modern times,primes numbers continues to fascinate many people.Probably the main reason why prime numbers continues to create such great interest would be beca
- The function implement the 1D sequency(Walsh) ordered fast Walsh-Hadamard transform which can be used in signal processing, pattern recongnition and Genetic alogorithms. This algorithm uses a Cooley-Tukey type signal flow graph and is implemented
- 将一个正整数分解质因数。例如:输入90,打印出90=2*3*3*5-A quality factor decomposition of positive integer. For example: enter 90, print out the 90 = 2* 3* 3* 5
- OVSF code generator: The function ovsf_code_generator takes a vector of spreading factors which OVSF codes are required followed by an integer specifying the number of elements in that vector. The function returns a vector of vectors of double, whe
- 如何在输入一个整数的时候,利用c++语言求它的因子- how to Find an integer factor of how translation
- 读入一个整数,显示它的所有的素数因子。例如,读入120,输出2,2,2,3,5-Read an integer, it shows all the prime factors. For example, read 120, the output 2,2,2,3,5
- 将一个正整数分解质因数。例如:输入90,打印出90=2*3*3*5。-A positive integer decomposition of the quality factor. For example: Type 90, print 90 = 2* 3* 3* 5.
- N的阶乘 【问题描述】 精确计算N的阶乘。其中,N可能是小于200的任意正整数。 【输入形式】 输入文件为当前目录下的factor.in。 该文件只包含一个正整数,表示需要求该正整数的阶乘。 【输出形式】 输入文件为当前目录下的factor.out。 该文件只包含一个正整数,表示该正整数的阶乘。50个数字为一行 【输入样例】 57 【输出样例】 40526919504877216755680601
- 算法: 对于给定正整数n,计算n共有多少种不同的分解式。-Algorithm: For a given positive integer n, n calculate how many different factorization total.
- 用c语言将一个正整数分解质因数,代码条理非常清晰-Using c language will be a positive integer decomposition of the quality factor, the code is very clear structured