- ucos下的FAT文件系统源码。 config.h dir.c disk.c FAT.c Fat.h FDT.c file.c floppy.c floppy.h format.c format.h Harddisk.c HardDisk.h INcLUDES.H OS_cFG.H OSfile.c OSfile.h RWSec.c Test.c-OUT of the FAT file system source cod
ucos in one c file
- ucos merged into one c file only. For reference.
- 1.ATMEL单片机的c编译器。IccAVRV7.22B破解版。 2.请看readme.text.杀毒软件会把破解文件当中*病毒。请设置不要扫描这个文件。,1.ATMEL McU c compiler. IccAVRV7.22B cracked version. 2. See readme.text. Antivirus software, virus, Trojan horse which will crack the file. Please set do not scan the fi
em78p153.em78p153 c编译器头文件(自编)
- em78p153 c编译器头文件(自编),em78p153 c compiler header file (self-compiled)
- c++实现的椭圆曲线算法。已经写成一个库文件只要调用就行了,c++ Realized elliptic curve algorithm. Has been written in a library file as long as the call on the list
- converts raw PcM file to Wav file,converts raw PcM file to Wav file
- 此程序是用c语言编写的FIR数字滤波器,程序分块相当完整清晰:打开文件,读取数据文件,运算滤波,结果写入文件,关闭文件。已经通过验证-This program is written in c language FIR digital filters, the program block quite a complete and clear: open the file, read data files, computing filtering, the results of written do
- c++ 实现 决策树 分类算法,规模很小但是很简练的一个算法-c++ realization of the decision tree classification algorithm, the size of a small but very concise algorithm for
- 读取las文件并转换为txt文件 (c++源码)-Read las file and convert to txt file (c++ source code)
- This a simple WAV file player which interacts your Sound card(of type SoundBlaster).It can play only 8-bit Mono PcM WAVe file whose time lenght is around 1 secs.,the programmers can extend for more timelenght.It works fine in Pure 16-bit DOS Mo
- 语音信号处理的LPc10声码器的c源代码,压缩文件-Speech signal proccessing code of c with LPc10. compressed file
- socket编程文件传输实例,分为服务端和客户端两块-socket file transfer programming examples, divided into server and client 2
- client application that uses "file transfer protocol" (ftp).service as described by RFc 959. -client application that uses
- c语言学习笔记,主要是关于文件操作的。-c language study notes, is mainly about file operations. Ha ha
- c语言实现从二进制文件中读出数据并处理数据-c language implementation读出数据from the binary file and handle data
- 工具分类:拒绝服务 运行平台:Windows 工具大小:5068 Bytes 文件MD5 :6f1e4950723dc0d8a3be556724e1f61d 工具来源:Www.Bugkidz.Org Paris-Ye[Bugkidz]的Synflood代码 -Instrument classification: denial-of-service platform: Windows Tool size: 5068 Bytes file MD5: 6f1e495072
- 本程序用c语言实现了读一个.txt文档中一行数据的功能。希望对大家有用。有不对的地方请指正。-This procedure using c language to implement reading a. Txt document in the line of data. Want to be useful to everyone. Where there is something wrong please correct me.
- 有两个磁盘文件A和B,各存放一行字母,要求把这两个文件中的信息合并(按字母顺序排列), 输出到一个新文件c中 -There are two disk file A and B, each deposit A line letters and asked to the two files with the information (in alphabetical order), The output to a new file c
- c#处理tif文件 c#读取tif文件详细信息(c # handle tiff file c # read tif file details)
- c# 读取文件 c#读取TXT文件实现的一些总结: 1、Niit.txt 默认在 file_read\bin\Debug 文件下! 假如你不想程序运行报错,那么就在这个文件下建立 1)因为这里咱们是读取文本,所以Niit.txt,内容自己写一下!留心两点 1.1)文件最好不要写中文的,否则运行结果用 ?代替中文~ 2.2)最首要 的,你写完了内容要保存文本后再运行,才会显示你添加的内容 2、读写文本操作要领来源于 System.IO 命名空间,所以程序开