PhoneKey Android手机防盗监控客户端
- Android手机防盗监控客户端 对报警手机进行被盗确认,发出上述各种指令,如备份或者销毁隐私信息、搜集手机使用信息,发出警告短信,大声鸣警等。且根据收到的被盗手机上报的GPS地址实时地图追踪,实时查询其真正的地址,并进行相应的记录。-"Find my phone" in android version spy the stolen phone via a monitor
- android手机的文件资源管理器,寻找根目录,删除文件、更改文件名等等功能.-android mobile phone file explorer, find the root directory, delete files, change file names and more.
- 好不容易找到的 android翻页效果源码-Hard to find the android source flip effect
- Android 例子, 功能:用户可以通过输入字母来查找他想要在列表中找到的名字-Android example: Users can search by entering the letters he wants to find the name in the list
- Android 1.5之后支持vidio录音api.这里创建了一个程序来录制和播放video. 同时也有对于相关api的简单注释。-Early versions of Android platform did not support video recording and hence the developers were unable to create any video recording applications. With the release of SDK 1.5 (Cupcake
- android 下的一个小游戏,在别的网站上找到的呵呵拿出来个大家分享-android under a small game, in other to find on the web everyone to share out
- Android编程手册,英文版,前面一部分与android的SDK文档差不多,后面部分比较有参看价值,具体目录见英文描述!-Android A Programmer’s Guide New York Chicago San Francisco Contents at a Glance(目录) 1 What Is Android? 2 Downloading and Installing Eclipse 3 Downloading and I
- MIT开源移动Web项目相关文档,有一定的参考意义。(4-4)-Find out what MIT has been doing to help facilitate the integration of Mobile Devices into the Role of Education. How we are showcasing the iPhone to release an integrated Mobile Web Site (m.mit.edu) to assist with bas
- android开发入门与实战,近来很多朋友想在网上找相关的代码资料,我就买了此书并上传相关代码资料,希望我们多学习。-Getting Started with the actual combat android development, recently many of my friends want to find the relevant code for online information, I bought the book and upload the relevant code i
- Android的学习笔记,入门必备,我也是找了很久才找到-Android study notes, entry-essential, I also look for a long time to find
- ApiDemos - API Demos The API Demos application includes a variety of small applications that illustrate the use of various Android APIs. It includes samples of: * Notifications * Alarms * Progress Dialogs * Intents * Menus
- Android防盗卫士 监控SIM卡状态,若发现变更后报警。得到确认后进入监控模式,根据监控客户端的指令开始不断上报手机的GPS地理位置信息,备份或者销毁隐私信息如通讯录、通话记录等。并可以反监控被盗手机,转发其所有收到的和发出的短信,且对所有电话录音后上传至指定邮箱,最后发出警告短信。当确定手机在自己附近时,可以发出指令让手机大声警报以便于定位。-"Find my Phone" of Android version, which is installed in the
- simple gps info source code, include gps and sensor information, android-java
- android app inventor setup from google for ppl who cant find it here it is long live android p.s. alll copy rights are for google and this is a free program from google
- android 程序,功能包括查找附近加油站和比较各个加油站油价-android procedures, functions, including comparison to find nearby gas stations and prices in all gas stations
- 一篇比较不错的网上的文件管理器的开发文档,采用Android 平台,实现了对资源的新建,重命名,删除等功能。共享快乐,希望对你们有帮助-A relatively good online file manager development documents, the Android platform, a new resource, rename, delete functions. Sharing happiness and hope you find these helpful
- 实现后台日志记录并写文件到sd卡。 启动程序,然后到SD卡根目录,可以发现有一个microlog.txt的文件,里面就是我们记录的日志了。(Implement background logging and write files to the SD card. Start the program, then to the SD card root directory, you can find a microlog. txt file, which is the log of our rec
- 安卓api文档,能够快速查找功能的工具类(Android API documentation, a tool class that can quickly find features)
- You can download the latest version of Java from Oracle's Java website: JDKJava SE. Find the installation documentation for JDK in the downloaded files, install and configure the settings according to the given instructions. Finally, PATH and JAVA_HO
Android tkhbMusicPlayer
- 这是一款音乐播放软件,可以随意更换背景,查找当前流行音乐(his is a music player software, you can randomly replace the background, find the current pop music.)