
搜索资源 - flat Rayleigh fading
生成一个 Rayleigh flat-fading channel with Doppler shift
This program simulates the bit-error-rate (BER) performance of OSTBC
with L=4 antennas over the frequency flat Rayleigh block fading channel
The code is developed for real orthogonal design, code rate 1/2
modulation- 16 QAM with gray c
对3条固定路径的AWGN多径信道中的QPSK系统进行BER性能仿真(不同p和delay 的取值来分别定义莱斯(瑞利)平坦衰落信道、莱斯(瑞利)频率选择性衰落信道).-For three fixed-path multipath AWGN channel of the QPSK system BER performance simulation (different values for p and the delay are defined Rice (Rayleigh) flat fading
(书)现代通信系统使用MATLAB第四章-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access
protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the
original model to include user location information. We also
derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) un
stbc for flat rayleigh fading channel
(书)现代通信系统使用MATLAB第一章-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access
protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the
original model to include user location information. We also
derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) un
(书)现代通信系统使用MATLAB第三章-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access
protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the
original model to include user location information. We also
derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) un
利用Channel Equalizer公式與附件main.m等程式,並選擇Flat=0之模式(該模式為Frequency Selective Fading)及產生Doppler = 500 Hz之Rayleigh fading Channel,利用已知Channel Parameters (rcos, rsin) 增修接收機之Channel Equalizer程式-Channel Equalizer using the formula and accessories main.m other p
The code below creates a frequency-flat Rayleigh fading channel object and uses it to process a DBPSK signal consisting of a single vector. Notice that the example uses filter before awgn this is the recommended sequence to use when you combine fadin
要求对有3条固定路径的AWGN多径信道中的QPSK系统进行BER性能仿真,并与在理想的AWGN信道中同样系统的BER性能进行比较。熟悉瑞利平坦衰落、莱斯平坦衰落与频率选择性衰落的特点,比较这些衰落信道的误码率。-Required to have three fixed-path AWGN multipath channels of QPSK system BER performance simulation, and in an ideal AWGN channel with the same
仿真一个QPSK调制信号通过一个平坦瑞利衰落的AWGN信道的误码率-simulate the BER of a QPSK modulated siganal using an AWGN channel with flat rayleigh fading
Simulate transmission signal in various environment such as: flat fading, Rayleigh fading and Ricean fading etc.
Though the total channel is a frequency selective channel, the channel experienced by each subcarrier in an OFDM system is a flat fading channel with each subcarrier experiencing independent Rayleigh fading.
qpsk仿真下面是该例子的源程序,P0、P1、P2分别是LOS路径和两条延迟瑞利分量的相对功率级。当p0=0且delay!=0时为瑞利频率选择性衰落,delay==0时为瑞利平坦衰落。-Here is the example qpsk simulation source, P0, P1, P2 are the LOS path Rayleigh component and two delayed relative power level. When p0 = 0 and the delay! =
Diversity combining is specifically
targeted to counteract small scale fading. We will therefore use slow, flat, Rayleigh fading as our
model for the signal fluctuation. It must be emphasized that the Rayleigh model is the easiest and
most trac
Clarke模型的提出代表了Rayleigh分布用于平坦小尺度衰落统计模型的开端。虽然因为其实现比较复杂,而更倾向于被认为是一种数学模型而非仿真模型,但所涉及到的Rayleigh衰落信道的概念是其后众多改进模型的基础-The Clarke model put forward on behalf of the beginning of the Rayleigh distribution for flat small-scale fading statistical model. Because i
实现瑞利衰落的仿真,利用改进的jakes模型来产生单径的平坦型瑞利衰落信道。-Realize the simulation of Rayleigh fading, improved jakes model is used to produce a single type of flat Rayleigh fading channel.
该程序利用改进的jakes模型来产生单径的平坦型瑞利衰落信道-The program using the improved jakes model to produce a single type of flat Rayleigh fading channel.
球形解码( Sphere Decoder,SD) 算法能以较低的复杂度实现多输入多输出( Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO) 系统的最优检测,是当前受到普遍关注的 MIMO 检测算法。对当前球形解码 的 主 要 研究 成 果 进行 综 述,根 据 搜索策略进行分类,重点分析基于深度优先策略的 VB、CL 和基于宽度优先策略的 K-Best、FSD 算法,并且讨论了几种初始半径的选择方法,最后在准静态平坦瑞利衰落环境下对上述算法进行了性能仿真比较-Sphere
瑞利信道模型建模平坦衰落等,并且加入赖斯信道模型进行改进。模拟了信道的小尺度衰落问题,和Clarke模型进行比对-Rayleigh flat fading channel model, and joined the Rice channel model is improved. Simulation of small scale fading channel, and the Clarke model are compared