
搜索资源 - for Inverse Problems
《Fuzzy Relational Calculus Toolbox, Rel.1.01》The toolbox provides functions and original algorithms for solving direct and inverse problems.
Author: Yordan Kyosev & Ketty Peeva-"Fuzzy Relational Calculus Toolbox, Rel.1.01" The toolbox pro
A general framework for solving image inverse problems is introduced in this paper. The approach is based on Gaussian mixture models, estimated via a computationally efficient MAP-EM algorithm.
ere we provide codes for a very powerful Lanczos based hybrid
iterative method that can be used for large scale linear ill-posed
inverse problems. The method will automatically choose [Tikhonov]
regularization parameters, and automatically determ
这个软件包实现了一个快速算法,用来解决一些线性逆问题。-This set of MATLAB files contain an implementation of the algorithms
described in the following papers:
"Fast Algorithm for the Constrained
Formulation of Compressive Image Reconstruction and Other Linear Inverse Pro
此程序为地震层析成像的LSQR算法,此算法用来解反问题。-This procedure for seismic tomography LSQR algorithm, the algorithm used to solve inverse problems.
用于解反问题的共轭梯度法,对于Ax=b,输入矩阵A,列向量b,以及迭代步数k,可求的列向量x-Solution of inverse problems for the conjugate gradient method, for Ax = b, the input matrix A, the column vector b, as well as the number of iterations k, rectifiable column vector x
Inverse kinematics algorithm for Robot position control. Based on end chapter problems in Sciciliano et al book for Robot motion control. Different methods are used and their results provided.
某些数学方法在地震波反演问题求解中的应用-Some mathematical methods to solve inverse problems in seismic wave of
VC++ Written in a matrix calculator program with source code and detailed analysis of the report can be directly as a curriculum design report addresses the selection matrix calculator program rationale and objectives to be completed, analysis of the
基本解方法求解反问题程序很好用有结果和图形-Method of Fundamental Solutions of Inverse Problems program.
Parameter+Estimation+and+Inverse+Problems 该书的配套光配内容-Parameter+ Estimation+ and+ Inverse+ Problems with the contents of the book' s supporting light
基于高斯混合模型,经由一种高效率的EM-MAP算法,解决图像超分辨率重建问题-A general framework for solving image inverse problems is introduced in this paper. The approach is
based on Gaussian mixture models, estimated via a computationally efficient MAP-EM algorithm.
Osher的经典著作 图像去噪的必读书籍-Osher' s classic book reading for image denoising
This collection of MATLAB software contains implementations of several Algebraic Iterative
Reconstruction methods for discretizations of inverse problems.
This set of MATLAB files contain an implementation of the gradient projection algorithms described in the paper "Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction: Application to Compressed Sensing and Other Inverse Problems" by Mario A. T. Figueiredo, R
This implementation of Isometric Method was designed with respect to be
used by a broad scientific community in different regions of science and
engieneering. As a consequence specific demands of particular branches may not
be fully satisfied.
《离散反问题》中的各类正则化matlab程序- Matlab package Regularization tools for the book 《discrete inverse problems》
正则化(regularization),是指在线性代数理论中,不适定问题通常是由一组线性代数方程定义的,而且这组方程组通常来源于有着很大的条件数的不适定反问题。大条件数意味着舍入误差或其它误差会严重地影响问题的结果。-Regularization, in mathematics and statistics and particularly in the fields of machine learning and inverse problems, refers to a process of
《不适定问题的正则化方法及应用》pp.6例题1.2的Tikhonov正则化方法及迭代Tikhonov正则化方法程序包。-Tikhonov regularization method and iterative Tikhonov regularization method package for the book regularization method and applications of ill-posed problems pp.6 example 1.2.
My implementation of an Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm on MATLAB. Based on the implementation discussed in:
Beck, Amir, and Marc Teboulle. Fast Gradient-Based Algorithms for Constrained Total Variation Image Denoising and