- 《单片微机与测控技术》一书内容简介:51单片机部分,没有价值,PID调节器、模糊控制等部分可以一看,还是写的不错的,值得参考。-" Single-chip microcomputer with the monitoring and control technologies," First Book Descr iption: 51 single-chip, there are no values, PID regulator, fuzzy control can be on
- 该论文《基于LabVIEW的热电空调温度模糊控制系统的研究》是优秀硕士学位论文。 主要内容如下: 1.阐述了热电制冷的基本原理,并对热电制冷的热力学特性和极限工况进行了分析与计算。 2.根据热电空调的温度控制要求选取了适用于系统的模糊控制规则,并在LabVIEW环境下完成了对模糊控制器的设计并进行了输入输出性能测试。 3.在研究信号采集和调理技术的基础上,结合信号调理设备实现了在LabVIEW环境下热电空调温度监测子系统的软件设计。 4.完成了热电空调供电子系统的PWM直流斩波调压电路的设
- 设计采用模糊控制的直接转矩控制,和传统PI调节器相比较-Design of fuzzy control of direct torque control, and compared to the traditional PI regulator
- a comparative study between a PI regulator and fuzzy regulator for a control speed of a Dual Star Induction Machine (DSIM) supplied with two PWM voltage source inverter (VSI) and decoupled by field oriented control (FOC).The simulation results
- a comparative study between a PI regulator and fuzzy regulator for a control speed of a Dual Star Induction Machine (DSIM) supplied with two PWM voltage source inverter (VSI) and decoupled by field oriented control (FOC).The simulation results
- 里面有三个二维模糊调节器分别实现PID控制器的参数Kp,ki,Kd,的调节。其控制原理:根据前面的偏差e和偏差变化ec将三个模糊控制器FC1,FC2,FC3分别进行模糊化,模糊逻辑推理,解模糊化。最后得到pid控制器参数调节量。-There are three-dimensional fuzzy regulator PID controller parameters Kp, ki Kd, adjust. The control principle: the front of the deviat
- 东南大学第六届智能车竞赛程序,PID调节,模糊控制转弯.-Sixth Smart Car Competition program of the Southeast University, PID regulator, fuzzy control of turning
- Type-1 fuzzy sets theory was proposed to handle uncertainty in control systems. But some cases showed some liabilities of Type-1 fuzzy sets when facing with unpredictable disturbance and uncertainties. Therefore Type-2 fuzzy sets was introduced
- 模糊PID调节,并且通过与普通PID调节对比得出较好的效果-Fuzzy PID control, and by contrast with the ordinary PID regulator obtained better results
- 针对汽车驾驶机器人采用常规PID控制时车速波动大、调节器参数调整困难等问题,提出了一种基于模糊自适应PID的汽车驾驶机器人车速控制方法。首先建立了汽车驾驶机器人多机械手协调控制模型,然后在 此基础上设计了-IIl view of the problems of large speed fluctuations and the tuning difficulty of regulator parameters when conventional PID control is used in
- This paper presents the design of an intelligent fuzzy gain scheduled proportional-integral (FGSPI) controller as the supplementary controller for load frequency control (LFC) of two-area interconnected power system with reheat type thermal unit