- 该源码是关于模糊控制算法的MATLAB实现的,内容包括被控系统模糊建模,输入变量转换到论域,模糊规则库的建立等。-the source of fuzzy control algorithm in MATLAB, including Fuzzy charged modeling, conversion of input variables domain, the fuzzy rules for the establishment of such.
- 本文在分析城市交通信号控制研究现状和交叉*通信号控制原理、评价方 法的基础上,设计了单交叉*通信号两级模糊控制系统。分级模糊控制能有效 减少模糊规则数,易于提取模糊规则,适合于交通状况复杂的城市交叉*通信 号控制。但它存在难以由人工合理定义全部模糊隶属度函数的问题。为此本文进 一步采用遗传算法对两级模糊控制器中模糊隶属度函数进行优化。本文提出的方 法具有分级模糊控制的优点,同时可以使模糊隶属度的选取更为合理,获得更好 的控制效果。对一个四相位单交叉口,利用MA
- 模糊神经网络实现函数逼近与分类,实现模糊规则的提取。-Fuzzy neural network function approximation and classification, to achieve the extraction of fuzzy rules.
- 模糊神经网络实现函数逼近与分类,实现模糊规则的提取。-Fuzzy neural network function approximation and classification, to achieve the extraction of fuzzy rules.
- This program implements a PIC-based fuzzy inference engine for the Fudge fuzzy development system from Motorola. It works by taking the output from Fudge for the 68HC11 processor, and converting it to a MPASM compatible assembler file using the
- Title: Fuzzy logic Engine Descr iption: This dll written in C implements a fuzzy logic engine with 3 different inferencing methods - min-max, dot-sum and Yager. This engine implements also a LALR(1) parser allowing users to define fuzzy sets and ru
- 支持向量机自动提取模糊规则,仿真结果验证了其可靠性-The use of support vector machine automatically extract fuzzy rules, simulation results verify the reliability of the method
- adaptive routing algorithm in which the link cost are dynamically assigned using a fuzzy system. The traffic in the network is re-routed to nodes, which are less congested, or have spare capacity. Based on a set of fuzzy rules, link cost is dyn
- sar is a Rough Set-based Attribute Reduction (aka Feature Selection) implementation. This is an implementation of ideas described, among other places, in the following paper: Qiang Shen and Alexios Chouchoulas, A Modular Approach to Generating Fu
- 模糊控制的DCDC变换器,模糊规则按照自己设定的,根据具体情况可以自己设定。-Fuzzy control of DCDC converters, according to their own set of fuzzy rules, can be set according to specific circumstances.
- 锅炉汽包水位控制系统是火力发电厂中的一个重要的热工控制系统,汽包水位的 控制大多采用传统PID控制方式。但是,传统PID控制器参数的整定是在获取对象数学 模型的基础上,根据某一整定规则来确定的,不能进行在线调整,难以适应锅炉汽包 水位这样一个复杂多变的控制系统,其控制效果往往难以满足要求。 本文应用模糊控制技术,设计了一种二输入三输出模糊自整定PID控制器,对锅 炉汽包水位进行控制,实现了PID参数的自适应调节。利用MATLAB对控制系统进行 仿真。结果表明,该控制器自整
- 基于模糊规则的pso算法,用MATLAB编写的,绝对可用-Pso algorithm based on fuzzy rules, written using MATLAB, absolutely free
- 摘要:为了减少先验知识对统一潮流控制器中模糊规则的设计和电力系统参数的变化对统一潮流控制器性能的影响, 文中采用模糊神经网络来设计统一潮流控制器-Abstract: In order to reduce a priori knowledge of the unified power flow controller in the fuzzy rules in the design and power system parameters on the unified power flow contr
- 首先要对样本进行聚类分析,以此来确定模糊规则个数。利用K-means法对样本聚类。-First cluster analysis of samples, in order to determine the number of fuzzy rules. Method using K-means clustering of the sample.
- 主要讲述模糊规则的制定方法,和隶属度函数的选取-Focuses on the development of methods of fuzzy rules and membership function selection
- a gain-adjusted fuzzy PI/PD (GFPIPD) adaptive controller is proposed. The proposed controller first constructs fuzzy rules for fuzzy PD/PI controller with the fixed weighting. Then the fuzzy rules, which self-learning their parameters for a desired
- 该控制器输出部分的比例因子可以根据转矩的变化趋势经自适应机构的模糊规则库在线调整,不仅可以使永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统保持恒定的开关频率,而且可以有效地减小磁链和转矩脉动,特别是低速时的转矩脉动。仿真验证了自适应模糊永磁同步电机直接转矩控制策略的有效性。 -The output of the controller part of the scale factor by the adaptive mechanism of the fuzzy rules according to the to
- 模糊PI直流电机转速控制器,直流电机单闭环,给出模糊规则-The fuzzy the PI DC motor speed controller, DC motor single closed-loop given fuzzy rules
- This paper presents two kinds of adaptive control schemes for robot manipulator which has the parametric uncertainties. In order to compensate these uncertainties, we use the FLS (fuzzy logic system) that has the capability to approximate any nonline
- 主要是学习模糊规则的基本原理,包括模糊规则的设置以及模糊规则的优化等问题,值得学习与交流。-The main is to learn the basic principles of fuzzy rules, including the fuzzy rule set and the optimization problem of fuzzy rules, it is worth learning and exchange.