1D gabor filter
- Descr iption: Recent studies on Mathematical modeling of visual cortical cells [Kulikowski/Marcelja/Bishop:1982] suggest a tuned band pass filter bank structure. These filters are found to have Gaussian transfer functions in the frequency domain. Thu
Feature Extraction and gabor filtering_C+Matlab.ra
- Garbor filter is famous for its approximation to the characteristic of Cortex in human vision system. The state-of-the-arts advancement in computer vision application demonstrates the success and promissing of this technique. This directory co
- this file is gabor bank filter
- provides the outputs of the gabor filter bank
- 一个基于gabor滤波器组的多特征融合的图像检索算法(CBIR based on Multi-Features Combining Multi-parameters from gabor filter-bank, 简称multi法),融合了基于gabor 小波系数的标准方差,峰态,能量,平滑度和一致性度量五个特征量度,实验表明,该算法是一种更加有效的图像检索方法。-we propose a CBIR algorithm based on Multi-Features Combining Mult
- The File Contains 5 Other Source Codes include, bandpass Butterworth filter, gabor bank, RGB to HLS Conversion, Image filtering in Frequency Domain and Hough transform. I hope that s enough to make me a member. Regards. Zizi.
- this is gabor bank filter
- proposed filter-based algorithm uses a bank of gabor filters to capture both local and global details in a fingerprint as a compact fixed length FingerCode. The fingerprint matching is based on the Euclidean distance between the two correspon
- kmean clustering based segmentation using gabor filter bank
- COSFIRE是一个有效的滤波器,它可以自动的为图像画出轮廓,可以配置出gabor滤波器,配置一定的模糊参数和移位参数-A COSFIRE filter is automatically configured to be selective for a local contour pattern specified by a single example. The configuration comprises selecting given channels of a bank of Gabo
- 图像处理领域有很多滤波器,好的滤波器可以很快的提取有效的特征,MR8是一组特别好的滤波器组,比gabor filter更好,这里是MR8的源码,有需要的可以下载一用!-There are a lot of image processing filter, a good filter can quickly extract effective feature, MR8 is a particularly good filter group, better than gabor filter, he
- 构造gabor滤波器组,可以显示gabor核图像,对图片进行滤波,提取特征(construct a bank of gabor,show the kernel images of gabor and filter an image ,extract feature)
- 生成gabor滤波器组,用于提取图像特征(This program generates a custom gabor filter bank; and extracts the image features using them.)
- PIVlab - 时间分辨粒子图像测速(PIV)工具: 一种基于GUI的工具,用于预处理,分析,验证,后处理,可视化和模拟PIV数据。 使用MATLAB网络研讨会进行人脸识别代码: 使用MATLAB在线讲座的人脸识别中的主要演示文件。 gabor特征提取: 该程序生成一个自定义gabor滤波器组; 并使用它们提取图像特征。 主成分分析: 用于特征提取; 链码: 基于MATLAB的freeman的曲面轮廓描述(PIVlab - time resolved particle
- gaborfilterbank generates a custum gabor filter bank. % It creates a u by v cell array, whose elements are m by n matrices; % each matrix being a 2-D gabor filter. %