- Gabor-function convolution masks are increasingly used in image processing and computer vision. This function simply computes the cosine and sine masks for a given width, period and orientation. The masks returned are properly normalised. It is
- gabor_function1该程序对Gabor核函数某个尺度和方位的三维形状和二维平面图像进行显示 gabor_function2该程序对Gabor核函数五个尺度和八个方位的二维平面图像进行显示,共产生40个二维平面图像 这两个程序对理解gabor小波很有帮助哦-gabor_function1 the program of Gabor kernel function of a scale and orientation of the three-dimensional shape an
- this code generates a bank of steerable gabor wavelets with variable orientation, scale
- these codes read input image and generate the 2D gabor filters, with changeable scale, orientation, perform the convolution with input image.
- Gabor小波,用于纹理提取,程序中所使用的方位和比例等参数是可以动态调整的-The orientation and scale can be changed in this program to extract texture information.Here 3 scales and 4 orientation was used
- Gabor wavelet filter for texture extraction,-The orientation and scale can be changed in this program to extract texture information.Here 3 scales and 4 orientation was used
- 指纹方向场、linhong 的 gabor增强、细化、特征提取。 vc++6.0 可执行。 效果一般,需改进-orientation/fingerprint enhancement use gabor/thin /
- Example of a two-dimensional Gabor filterIn image processing, a Gabor filter, named after Dennis Gabor, is a linear filter used for edge detection. Frequency and orientation representations of Gabor filter are similar to those of human visual system,
- 提出一种多尺度方向(multi-scale orientation,简称 MSO)特征描述子用于静态图片中的人体目标检 测.MSO 特征由随机采样的图像方块组成,包含了粗特征集合与精特征集合.其中,粗特征是图像块的方向,而精特征 由 Gabor 小波幅值响应竞争获得.对于两种特征,分别采用贪心算法进行选择,并使用级联 Adaboost 算法及 SVM 训 练检测模型.基于粗特征的 Adaboost 分类器能够保证高的检测速度,而基于精特征的 SVM 分类器则保证了检测精 度.另
- this code is for gabor filter. For each orientation it gives the correct output
- A method for extracting information about facial expressions from images is presented. Facial expression images are coded using a multi-orientation, multi-resolution set of Gabor filters which are topographically ordered and aligned approxima
- Le filtre de Gabor applique une fonction qui est une sinusoï de modulée par une fonction gaussienne. Il a en traitement d’image une fonction de détection de contours (ou de traits). Ce plugin prend en paramètre: la longueur d’onde (en pixel), et
- COSFIRE是一个有效的滤波器,它可以自动的为图像画出轮廓,可以配置出gabor滤波器,配置一定的模糊参数和移位参数-A COSFIRE filter is automatically configured to be selective for a local contour pattern specified by a single example. The configuration comprises selecting given channels of a bank of Gabo
- OpenCV python for local orientation based gabor filtering
- Gabor filter has implemented here to find the texture boundary by varying frequency and orientation angle.
- PHASESYM - Function for computing gabor features of a gray-scale image This function calculates gabor features. Mean-squared energy & meanAmplitude for each scale and orientation is returned.
- Gabor Feature.... This function calculates gabor features. Mean-squared energy & meanAmplitude for each scale and orientation is returned.-Gabor Feature.... This function calculates gabor features. Mean-squared energy & meanAmplitude for eac
- Gabor Feature... This function calculates gabor features. Mean-squared energy & meanAmplitude for each scale and orientation is returned.-Gabor Feature......This function calculates gabor features. Mean-squared energy & meanAmplitude for each scale a
- 机器视觉:使用Gabor滤波器对图像提取纹理特征,根据需要设置尺度和方向参数,实测有效。-Machine Vision: Using Gabor filters to extract texture features of the image, set the scale and orientation parameters as required, found effective.