- 类似超级玛丽模型之二(DELPHIX)-similar super model Mary bis (DELPHIX)
- 博弈模型,蓝色的格子表示采用合作的策略,红色的格子表示采用背叛的策略。-game model, blue lattice said the cooperative strategy, the red lattice said the strategy adopted betrayal.
- 游戏资源提取合集-可以有效提取大量单机游戏和网络游戏等资源(包括图片-声音-特效-动画-模型等各种资源)支持各种2D或者3D游戏-Game resource extraction can be effectively extracted from large collection of games and game of network resources ( including pictures-- the sound effects- Animation- model and other r
- 几款3D游戏源码 OpenGL的组合图形 特殊的平面_树 MD2动画模型 射击、爆炸 碰撞检测 游戏进度保存 场景编辑-Game source 3D models a combination of OpenGL graphics plane _ a special MD2 animation model tree shooting, collision detection explosion scenes to preserve the progress of Games Edit
- vega prime与C++混合编程实例,模拟第一人称游戏运动,可以左转右转向前向后,类似CS运动模式,能精确调整速度,加速度等数值,可以用键盘和鼠标互动。-This sample illustrates the use of the game motion model (vpMotionGame). It defines the class myApp, which is derived from vpApp, and overrides the vpApp::onKeyInput() me
- MDL游戏模型加载代码,CS骨骼动画加载,对于研究CS模型的研究非常有帮助。-MDL game model loading code, CS skeletal animation to load, for the study of CS model is very helpful.
- 一个飞机射击游戏的源码,采用opengl库函数射击,3D模型采用3ds软件生成 -A plane shooting game of the source, using opengl library function shooting, 3D model generation software used 3ds
- 机型参数表,各种常见手机键值,开发j2me手机游戏必备。-Model parameter table, a variety of common mobile phone keys, cell phone game development j2me essential.
- 瑞赛模型车比赛参考程序,可完成基本的循迹功能,转弯效果很好-Swiss model car race game reference procedures to be completed basic tracking functions, turning good effect
- 使用性能最好的iocp模型进行网络通信,可作为网络服务器程序的蓝本。-use the advanced model iocp to write net communiction, which can be refrenced as game server.
- 最短寻路算法,利用Astar算法实现,是arp游戏中的寻路模型,有图例-Find the shortest path algorithm, the use of Astar algorithm is arp routing game model, there is Legend
- 这是一个服务端/客户端模式的小型网络游戏,1.0版。可连接多玩家,最多连多少个玩家视各位电脑的配置而定啰。根据Andre LaMothe游戏大师的 DirectX RPG Game Programming著作编成。公开出来供大家参考。-This is a server/client model of small-scale online games, version 1.0. Multi-player can be connected up to the number of players ev
- This game model dynomite game that player use sling and shot eggs to score, this source is only core of game, you can improve it by menus and flashscreen to complete it, have fun!
- 利用WSAEventSocket 模型开发网路五子棋游戏程序。该程序包括服务器和客户端两部分。服务器包括数据包设计,多线程设计和游戏规则设计。服务器主要为客户端维护成员列表和通知客户端更新用户信息。客户端包括多线程设计,界面设计,用户列表结构设计。-Model development using WSAEventSocket online backgammon games. The program includes server and client in two parts. Server,
- This book is about 3D math, the study of the mathematics behind the geometry of a 3D world. 3D math is related to computational geometry, which deals with solving geometric problems algorithmically. 3D math and computational geometry have applica
- 用schema 在guile 1.97 和debian 环境下做的游戏程序模型,给出了大量的图像配件,可以自己修改做成很多游戏-With the schema in the guile 1.97 and debian to do the game environment, program model, given a large number of image components, you can modify its own made a lot of games
- 经典赛车游戏的基础模型,基于LPC2138芯片设计,可在ILI9320 LCD触摸屏上操作-The basis of classic car racing game model, based on the LPC2138 chip design, can be in ILI9320 LCD touch screen operation
- 本程序运用MATLAB,用最简约的代码实现了元胞自动机生命游戏模型,其中利用矩阵计算的形式,减少了一般生命游戏模型代码的判断语句,增加了程序的简洁性并且提高了运行效率(This procedure using MATLAB, with the most simple code to achieve a cellular automaton model of the game of life, using the matrix computation form, reduce the genera
Game Engine Toolset Development
- Toolset development is an extremely broad topic. Game Engine Toolset Development provides you with a core set of skills and a comprehensive insight that will aid you in the development of game engine utilities, significantly reducing the time period
Game Mode_algorithml
- 代码中给出了两种古诺双寡头竞争博弈模型计算。(Cournot Duopoly Competition Game Models)