- Tornado 的manuals 很全面,国内的书大部分是翻译的它。经常需要查阅的。Tornado Online Manuals GDB User s Guide GNU Make User s Guide GNU Toolchain Release Notes GNU Toolkit User s Guide for Pentium GNU Toolkit User s Guide for Simulators, 68K, and SH
- windows下的GDB insight前端,采用gdb-6.8,可以通过TCP或串口对ARM系列linux环境下的应用程序进行调试。
- 一款支持模拟ARM和blackfin DSP处理器的软件,在不需要真实硬件下运行ARM Linux, uClinux, uc/OS-II (ucos-ii)等 将tar.gz 改为tar.bz2,SkyEye is an Open Source Software Project (GPL Licence). Origin from GDB/Armulator, The goal of SkyEye is to provide an integrated simulation environme
- A user-space device driver can do many of the things that kernel drivers can t, such as perform a long-running computation, block while waiting for an event, or read files from the file system. Unlike kernel drivers, a user-space device driver can us
- arm开发板仿真平台 SkyEye is an Open Source Software Project (GPL Licence). Origin from GDB/Armulator, The goal of SkyEye is to provide an integrated simulation environment in Linux and Windows.-SkyEye is an Open Source Software Project (GPL Licence). Orig
- GDB CLI commands 用于windows操作系统-GDB CLI commands for windows
- GDB不完全手册: GDB即GNU Debuger,是GNU下的调试器.主要是用在linux下面。但是也有人把它移植到Win32平台上面,这样我们常常在Windows下面的人也有机会接触到这个非常优秀的调试器。-GDB is not entirely manual: GDB is GNU Debuger, is under the GNU debugger. Is mainly used in linux below. But it was also ported to Win32 platfo
- The application reads picture-files in standard Windows BMP-format from a SD-Card and shows them on a 2.8" color-LCD-module (320*240 px). The following hard- and software has been used: DPF Hardware: STM32 Mini Board (STM32 "medium density") wit
- 史上最强悍的_vimrc for win32平台 and .vimrc for linux 精心修改,超过1300行 在windows下 需要git for windows、windows 下gcc gdb python3可以达到全部功能-the most powerful _vimrc for win32 and the most powerful .vimrc for linux
- 文件有两种,一种是文本文件,一种是程序二进制文件,不管哪种文件都可以用十六进制编码来显示,称为hex文件。 1、文本Hex文件一般不需要转成C语言,更多的是程序二进制文件,用十六进制显示,可以转换成C语言,一般使用相应的反汇编程序来实现,这方面的工具很多,不同的平台略有不同。Windows平台一般常用的OllyDbg、Windbg、IDA,Linux平台使用最多的是GDB和Linux版的IDA(There are two kinds of files, one is a text file
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- Dev-C++(或者叫做 Dev-Cpp)是 Windows 环境下的一个轻量级 C/C++ 集成开发环境(IDE)。它是一款自由软件,遵守GPL许可协议分发源代码。它集合了功能强大的源码编辑器、MingW64/TDM-GCC 编译器、GDB 调试器和 AStyle 格式整理器等众多自由软件,适合于在教学中供 C/C++语言初学者使用,也适合于非商业级普通开发者使用。