- Google的Android操作系统上的一款电子书阅览器,含源代码。对于学习android的开发者很有帮助。,Google' s Android operating system on an e-book reader, including the source code. For those who study the development of android helpful.
- wince c++ 下 开发的 rss 阅读器源代码,在google 的svn上荡的,大家研究一下,wince c under development rss reader source code, in the google s svn on the swing, and we look
- Android Reader For Google的源码实例,供大家学习。 -Android Reader For Google' s source code examples for all to learn.
- Descr iption Combination of book reader and Web browsers. This program can be used for Web browsing, reading news sites, downloading and reading books and atricles from the Web. It is not implement all HTML browser functionality - it doesn t s
- qt example - rss reader, google weather api -qt example- rss reader, google weather api ...
- Weather Reader for Winform using Google API
- loading full entry on Google Reader
- android 上的google reader阅读器源码-android on google reader reader source
- Android 手机系统的阅读器rss reader源代码,一个很棒的程序,RSS 阅读器相信大家都清楚吧,专用于RSS定阅,在电脑上已是一个成熟的应用了,本RSS Reader是运行在Google的Android手机操作系统中,对此有研究的专业人士不要错过源代码。 -Android mobile phone system, code reader rss reader, a great program, RSS reader, I believe we all know it, dedic
- RSS源读取器,通过解析谷歌源,获取相关精要新闻图片等展现在手机端。-RSS feed reader, Google by parsing the source, access to relevant news pictures show the essence of the phone side.
- Provide the reader with the skills and knowledge necessary to incorporate Google Maps version 3 on web pages in both desktop and mobile browsers.
- 网站分析实战,让读者了解什么是网站分析,以及网站分析的基本方法,并能按照分析需求熟练地使用Google Analytics获得所需的数据-Web analytics combat, let the reader understand what is web analytics, as well as the basic method of web analytics and analysis requirements in accordance with skillfully use Googl
- 几年前,“数学之美”系列文章原刊载于谷歌黑板报,获得上百万次点击,并被热情的读者广为传播,得到高度评价。读者说,读了“数学之美”,才发现大学时学的数学知识,比如马尔科夫链、矩阵计算,甚至余弦函数原来都如此亲切,并且栩栩如生,才发现自然语言和信息处理这么有趣,才真正明白“数学是科学的皇后”这句名言。 今年,作者吴军博士几乎把所有的文章都重写了一遍,为的是能把高深的原理讲得更加通俗易懂,让非专业读者也能领略数学的魅力。经过改写和重构后,《数学之美》在整体和细节的度上控制得更好。希望读者通过具体的
Barcode Reader
- Barcorama is a Zxing-based (http://code.google.com/p/zxing/) barcode reader software developed by me in C#. The program's main purpose is to provide a free (and hopefully powerful) tool in the consumer's toolchain!
- 本项目据说是谷歌全国应用大赛二等奖作品源码,demo分为四个部分,分别是二维码扫描和识别、NFC读写、WIFI链接和遥控小车。二维码扫描使用的是常规的Zxing。其他部分因为小编技术有限也不妄加评论了,需要的看官可以自己下载研究下。-This project is said to be the National Application of Google contest two award works source, demo is divided into four parts, respec
- 本项目据说是谷歌全国应用大赛二等奖作品源码,demo分为四个部分,分别是二维码扫描和识别、NFC读写、WIFI链接和遥控小车。二维码扫描使用的是常规的Zxing。其他部分因为小编技术有限也不妄加评论了,需要的看官可以自己下载研究下。源码有比较详细的注释-This project is said to be the National Application of Google contest two award works source, demo is divided into four pa