- for delphi7 .1已经发布,完全支持BDS4.0,这个是评估版的。 希望大家能够找到正式版本..... 另外,4.0的正式版下载文件名为:hq8205_Ehlib_v4.0_FS.rar 14 January 2006 Deployed EhLib 4.1 + Added support of Borland Developer Studio 2006 (Delphi and C++ Builder). * Fixed a e
- LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector Field. LINEINTRGAL(X,Y,U,V,C) computes the line integral along the lines given in cell array C. X and Y define the coordinates of a rectangular grid over which U and V are defined. X and Y must be monoto
- 超级好用的表格控件,Component One出的,共享一下!-Super easy to use form controls, Component One out and share what!
- 软件包Metis是由美国密西根大学G.Karypis和V.Kumar编写的用于图的分区和稀疏矩阵排序的串行包,提供多级k路图分区法对混合网格进行分区。-Metis package by the University of Michigan G. Karypis and V. Kumar, prepared for the graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering of the serial package, providing multi-lev
- grid.vbx组件,在VB编程时候用得着,如果用到的话请下载-grid.vbx components, useful when programming in VB, if used, please download
- 这是一个libsvm grid的改进,除了可以搜索分类中的C和gamma,还可以搜索小的整数.-This file is a slight modification of grid.py of libsvm. In addition to parameters C, gamma in classification, it searches for epsilon as well. Usage: grid.py [-log2c begin,end,step] [-log2g begin
- dhtmlx grid filter v.2.6 build 1007-dhtmlx grid filter v.2.6 build 100722
- QUIVERS(x,y,u,v,Gscale,Spos,Sunit) plots velocity vectors a rrows with components (u,v) at the points (x,y). The matrices X,Y,U,V must all be the same size and contain corresponding position and velocity components (X and Y can also be vectors
- (1) 二维椭圆型流动和传热问题通用计算机程序算法方面的特点 1、 采用原始变量法,即以速度U、V及压力P作为直接求解的变量 2、 守恒型的差分格式,离散方程系对守恒型的控制方程通过对控制容积作积分而得出的,无论网格疏密程度如何,均满足在计算区域内守恒的条件; 3、 采用区域离散化方法B,即先定控制体界面、再定节点位置 4、 采用交叉网格,速度U、V与其他变量分别存储于三套网格系统中; -(1) two-dimensional elliptic flow and heat t
- !计算环流指数的F90程序 !500hPa纬向环流指数 U50IN,取各点U平均 !500hPa经向环流指数 V50IN,取各点|V|平均 !500hPa西风环流指数 UV5IN!(U/(U平均=U50IN)-|V|/(|V|平均)=V50IN) !U平均=11.59 V平均=4.75 该平均乃据T213模式000场2002.08.01--2007.03.27资料计算所得 !范围:25N--45N 90E--120E! ! !II是纬向格点数,JJ是经向格点数-! C
- 50kW,380V,50HZ的负荷通过AC-DC-AC变换器连接到25kV,60Hz电网上。该电源由两个电压源型变换器和一个直流电容构成。-A 50 kW, 380 V, 50 Hz load is connected to a 25 kV, 60 Hz grid through a AC-DC-AC power supply. This power supply consists of two voltage source converters, VSC1 and VSC2, connecte
- 这是用V++编程实现的多边形编译器,可以画出任意的形状,以栅格为背景,且右击鼠标一下可以删除临近的点和线,双击右键,可完全删除已画的图形-V++ programming polygon compiler can draw any shape of the grid for the background, right-click the mouse can delete adjacent dots and lines, double-click the right can completely r
- 求解二维椭圆形流动与换热问题通用程序 采用区域离散方法 采用控制容积积分法导出离散方程 采用交叉网格,u,v,p分别位于三套网格上-Common procedures for solving two-dimensional elliptic flow and heat transfer problems with regional discrete export control volume integral method discrete equations using cross
- V/f控制,保证输出电压频率恒定!建立在微电网中-V/f control, to ensure that the output voltage constant frequency! Built on the micro-grid
- TRICONTOUR Triangular Contour Plot. TRICONTOUR(TRI,X,Y,Z,N) draws scalar N contour lines treating the values in Z as heights above a plane. TRI,X,Y,and Z define a triangulation where the triangles are defined by the M-by-3 face matrix TRI,
- This app provides an interactive environment to explore four and five dimensional data using some of MATLAB s abilities for volumetric visualization and animation. It was designed for data that was measured in a 3D grid of data points, for example te
- 微网存在两种典型的运行模式:离网模式和并网模式。同时,两种模式之间的切换也应该实现无缝切换。考虑 到采用主从控制以实现无环流的微网中主变换器在微网中的重要地位,本文采用V/f电压控制做为离网时变换器控制方法, 通过逐步调整变换器输出电压使其跟随电网电压实现离网到并网的无缝切换;-There are two typical micro-grid operation modes: off-grid and grid mode mode. At the same time, switching
- fortran code for calculating grid using v-cyclemulti grid
- 函数paddedsize可计算P和Q的最小偶数值,PQ则是避免折叠误差的串扰所采用的补零方法。 函数dftfilt是用于频率域滤波的M函数 在house中进行空域滤波与频域滤波的比较 函数dftuv创建用于实现频率域滤波器的网格数组 在number中进行低通滤波 还可基于lpfilter生成高通滤波器。 函数D=hypot(U,V)<=>D=sqrt(U.^2+V.^2)替代 函数f=tofloat(f)<=>f=im2double(f)替代-
- 光伏并网逆变器的PQ-V控制模型,为毕业设计的建模,供相关领域的中高级同任学习参考(PQ-V control model of photovoltaic grid connected inverter for graduation design modeling, for reference in the related fields of middle and advanced learning reference)