- 多线程Socket阻塞模式下通信 BCB-Socket阻塞模式通讯测试(多线程) 如果有多个客户机连接服务器请用以下的IP地址。 Client1:服务器IP: Client2:服务器IP: Client3:服务器IP: Client4:服务器IP: . . . . . . 以此类推。 在多机上则只要输入服务器端的IP地址就可以了。可以相互传收字符串-multit
- ASM,主动形状模型,PCA,可变形模型。以人手变形为例,内涵18个人手图形,每个有72个landmarks,程序对人手形状进行了procrutes align然后进行了PCA,ASM, take the initiative to shape model, PCA, deformable model. Manual deformation as an example, the connotation of the 18 individual hand graphics, each has 72
- 自己用opencv写的手势识别的软件。界面简单点,用动态前景分割肤色模型和直方图反演分割手部区域,然后用模式识别方法搞定识别问题。绝对原创,以后可能再也不搞这方面了,传上来跟大家分享-Own use opencv gesture recognition software to write. Interface simply, skin color model with dynamic foreground segmentation and histogram segmentation of ha
- 人手检测根据肤色模型检测人的手所在位置。并根据模板判断手势。-Detection of manpower under the color model to detect the location of the hand. And in accordance with the template to determine gesture.
- 基于单目手眼相机和激光测距仪,提出了一种尺寸未知的空间矩形平面的位姿测量算法。该算法不需要知道矩形平面 的G 个顶点的物体坐标,只需要知道它们的图像坐标、激光点的图像坐标和激光测距结果,就能够计算出尺寸未知空间矩形平 面在相机坐标系下的位姿,并且计算出矩形平面的尺寸。通过建立单目手眼相机和激光测距仪的数学模型,对该算法进行了验 证。实验结果表明,该算法是有效的,可以应用于机器人对空间物体的跟踪、定位以及抓取。-Monocular-based hand-eye cameras and
- 金融危机下,面试难,技术是一方面,简历是打开成功之门的第一步,很重要,包括20种简历模板-Financial crisis, the interviews difficult, technology is on the one hand, CV is to open the door to the success of the first step, it is very important, including 20 kinds of curriculum vitae template
- 一个3D的手模型,可以实现手指的转动和各个关节的限定。-A 3D hand model, can be achieved and various finger joints limit rotation.
- 这是一个手骨骼的stl文件,包含了655165个三角面片,数据量比较大,可以满足三维建模软件的测试使用。该模型细节好,显示效果极佳。-This is a hand bones stl file, contains 655,165 triangles, data volume is huge, three-dimensional modeling software to meet the test to use. Details of the model well, showing excelle
- 一个基于肤色模型的手势检验,手势识别程序,效果不错,基于opencv。-A sign test based on skin color model, gesture recognition process, good results, for opencv
- a real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module
- real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module an
- 完整的可运行AAM模型的matlab代码,附有测试图像,matlab 2009测试通过-Complete AAM model can run matlab code, with a test image, matlab 2009 test pass
- 手持抄表,4*4按键,通过按下相应按键完成相应抄表功能。-Hand-held meter, 4* 4 button, by pressing the appropriate button to complete the corresponding meter reading function.
- 手势皮肤模型提取,手势分割,提取已修改过,能运行-Gestures skin model to extract the gesture segmentation, extraction has been modified to run
- :虚拟人手操作的逼真性和准确性直接影响到仿真分析结果的可靠性。在虚拟维修作业过程 中虚拟人需要不同的手势对各种工具进行灵活操作,针对该问题提出了从模型中重构手势的思想, 并给出了一种新的关节角提取算法。首先,在人体建模软件中建造需要的目标手势并提取出骨架; 然后用算法对原有手部模型各关节角进行迭代求解,直到该手部模型姿势与目标手势一致,实现对 目标手势的重构。Jack 平台上仿真结果表明,该算法可以快速有效地提取出手部模型的关节-Realistic and accurate vi
- 游需求分析婶予促进我目各地区的经济发展和文化交流都有着重要的意叉。由于旅*业的。小样本,膏信息,不确定”性, 旅游市场可以看做是一个巨大的灰色系统。皋文竹对旅游需求同题进行了详细的研完,提出了基于灰色表镜理论的多元数学预测模型GM (1,N).合理分析诸多因素对旅游需求的综合影响,可以很好的解决此奏问题。同时。以北京地区旅游需求发展为倒,根据北京市旅游局平 的历年旅游统计数据,确定影响游客人数的因素并对其合理量化,应用GM(1,N)模型对最地的旅游需求进行预潮.井通过残盖检验,后戎
- 3dmax 人体右手手掌模型,模型很精细,可用于有限元分析-3dmax human right hand models, the model is very fine, can be used for finite element analysis
- For predicting the containment safety of turbochargers against failure of rotors at elevated temperatures and dynamic loading the complex deformation and damage behaviour of the respective materials has to be determined by appropriate experimen
- 基于手绘线条的三维模型雕刻,一篇很不错的关于手绘建模的文章,c++代码实现效果-Based on the three-dimensional model of hand-painted line carving, an article very good about hand-painted modeling, based on the c++ code
- 这是一个基于openGl制作的一个手势识别程序(This is a 3D hand model developed mainly for vision-based hand motion analysis. The hand model is modeled as a set of rigid quadratic surfaces, and has 27 degrees-of-freedom (DoFs) including 6 DoFs of global motion and 21 DoFs