- curve_test is a set of 3 programs to demonstrate 3 different kind of third-order parametric curves: Hemite curve segments, Bezier curve segments, and Splines. Hemite curves are defined by two endpoints and two vectors, Bezier curves are defi
- 如何生成Hemite曲线,利用Visual C++开发,可以实现控制顶点的移动-how hermitian curve generated using Visual C development, can achieve a mobile control vertices
- Subroutine MCHOLSK :To solves a hermitian positive definite set of complex linear simultaneous equations (AX=B) using the Cholesky decomposition method.
- this directory contains the following: * The acdc algorithm for finding the approximate general (non-orthogonal) joint diagonalizer (in the direct Least Squares sense) of a set of Hermitian matrices. [acdc.m] * The acdc algorithm
- Hermite SVD, source which allow to perform solving eigenvalue problem
- Seldon is a C++ library for linear algebra. It provides vectors and matrices: full, sparse, triangular, hermitian, ... It includes interfaces to Blas, Lapack, Mumps, SuperLU and UmfPack. Seldon implements several solvers such as Gmres, BiCgSTAB, Qmr,
- acdc algorithm for finding the approximate general (non-orthogonal) joint diagonalizer (in the direct Least Squares sense) of a set of Hermitian matrices.-acdc algorithm for finding the approximate general (non-orthogonal) jo
- 为寻找近似一般(非正交)联合(直接在最小二乘意义上的)的埃尔米特集acdc算法矩阵。- The acdc algorithm for finding the approximate general (non-orthogonal) joint diagonalizer (in the direct LeastSquares sense) of a set of Hermitian matrices.[acdc.m]
- IRBLEIGS: Finds a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix. IRBLEIGS will find a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors for either the standard eigenvalue problem A*x = lambda*x or the generalized eigenvalue problem A*x = lambda*M*x, whe
- 幂指数多项式 勒让德多项式 车比雪夫多项式 艾米特多项式-Exponential polynomial Legendre polynomials Chebyshev polynomials Hermitian polynomial car
- 应用Cholesky分解算法,求解复数线性一致hermitian正定方程组。-Application of Cholesky decomposition algorithm, to solve the same complex hermitian positive definite linear equations.
- 英语译成中文(简体) 所提供的功能解决在量子信息领域的共同问题。给定一个任意多粒子的状态,是真正的多方纠缠?如果被检测为纠缠状态,功能也为它提供了一个所谓的纠缠的见证。 另外一个文档,压缩文件中包含的检测和真正的多方纠缠量化功能。为此目的,乙Jungnitsch,吨Moroder和O. Gühne,物理的思想。牧师快报。 106,190502(2011)(或http://arxiv.org/abs/1010.6049)被应用。 更确切地说,提供下列文件: * fdecwit
- The largest eigenvalue of Hermitian random matrices: a moment approach
- CVM C++类库封装了很多矩阵计算的函数。是科研、数值计算必不可少的工具。其中包括各种矩阵和向量的定义,如方阵、对称矩阵、共轭矩阵等。-CVMC++ class library1 encapsulates the concepts of vector and dierent kinds of matrices including square, band, symmetric and hermitian ones, in Euclidean space of real and complex
- 线性Hamiltonian系统的振动性——Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society -By employing a generalized Riccati technique and an integral averaging technique, some new oscillation criteria are established for the second order matrix differential system U′ = A(t
- C scr ipt for solving Hermitian positive definite set of complex linear simultaneous equations using Cholesky decompisition method.
- 这个程序是三次样条厄米特插值程序,可以用于拟合函数,做出图形-This program is a cubic spline Hermitian interpolation procedure can be used for the fitting function to make the graphics
- to solve a static beam deflection using Hermitian beam elements
- 线性代数程序,用于得到一个哈密顿矩阵的科洛斯基分解。-Find the cholesky (LDU) decomposition of a Hermitian Toeplitz Matrix
- BP神经网络训练程序,基于梯度学习算法,对非线性函数(hermitian)逼近。-The BP neural network training program,which is based on the steepest descent Method,,,backpropagation network (BP) approximation of the nonlinear function。