- 物流分析工具包。Facility location: Continuous minisum facility location, alternate location-allocation (ALA) procedure, discrete uncapacitated facility location Vehicle routing: VRP, VRP with time windows, traveling salesman problem (TSP) Networks: Sho
- Lin-Kernighan heuristic for the TSP and minimum weight perfect matching
- java编写的最短路径算法,先由启发式方法获得染色体的初始编码,然后由遗传算法求出最短路径,对解决物流领域的TSP是非常好的计算机实现-java prepared by the shortest path algorithm, by the heuristic method to obtain the initial encoding of chromosome, and then by the genetic algorithm to derive the shortest path to s
- 实现了蚁群算法求解TSP问题。注释详细 function[R_best,L_best,L_ave,Shortest_Route,Shortest_Length]=ACATSP(C,NC_max,m,Alpha,Beta,Rho,Q) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 主要符号说明 C n个城市的坐标,n×2的矩阵 NC_max最大迭代次数 m蚂蚁个数
- tsp问题的群蚁算法实现,其中c为测试矩阵,代表各点的相对坐标,NC_max 最大迭代次数 ,m蚂蚁个数,Alpha 表征信息素重要程度的参数,Beta 表征启发式因子重要程度的参数,Rho 信息素蒸发系数,Q 信息素增加强度系数,R_best 各代最佳路线,L_best 各代最佳路线的长度,运行后得到最佳路线和收敛曲线-ant problem tsp algorithm group, of which c for the test matrix, the representative of
- TSP can be defined as a problem where starting from a node it is required to visit every other node only once in a way that the total distance covered is minimized. Tabu Search is a heuristic that prevent the process from cycling in a small set of so
- 禁忌搜索法对初始解、邻域个数及禁忌列表的大小等参数有比较严格的要求, 这些参数直接影响着算法的优化能力。文章提出了一种改进的禁忌搜索法, 它用有效空间来压缩搜索范围, 这样可以提高搜索效率和全局搜索能力。用短期和长期禁忌列表存储器来保证算法能搜索到全和分局空间的每一点, 并且不重复搜索。经过验算析, 证明它是一种较好的全局启发式搜索法.-Tabu search method, the initial solution, neighborhood and tabu list size of the
- 禁忌搜索法对初始解、邻域个数及禁忌列表的大小等参数有比较严格的要求, 这些参数直接影响着算法的优化能 力。文章提出了一种改进的禁忌搜索法, 它用有效空间来压缩搜索范围, 这样可以提高搜索效率和全局搜索能力。用短期 和长期禁忌列表存储器来保证算法能搜索到全局空间的每一点, 并且不重复搜索。经过验算和分析, 证明它是一种较好的 全局启发式搜索法-Tabu search method, the initial solution, neighborhood and tabu list siz
- 使用Visual C++ 开发的Win32Console 程序,功能是:TSP问题求解,采用启发式算法。-Using Visual C++ development Win32Console procedures, concluding: TSP problem solving, heuristic algorithm.
- 用A* 算法计算人工智能方面的旅行商问题 称为TSP问题 也可以称用启发式解决TSP问题-A* algorithm using artificial intelligence known as the traveling salesman problem TSP problem can also be known as heuristic problem solving TSP
- Lin-Kernighan heuristic for the TSP
- 蚁群算法(ant colony algorithm,简称ACA)是20世纪90年代由意大利学者M.Dorigo等人首先提出来的一种新型的模拟进化算法.它的出现为解决NP一难问题提供了一条新的途径.用蚁群算法求解旅行商问题(TSP)、分配问题(QAP)、调度问题(JSP)等,取得了一系列较好的实验结果.虽然对蚁群算法研究的时间不长,但是初步研究已显示出蚁群算法在求解复杂优化问题(特别是离散优化问题)方面具有一定的优势,表明它是一种很有发展前景的方法.蚁群算法的主要特点是:正反馈、分布式计算.正反馈
- TSP Travelling Salesman Problem Heuristic. We included the MST-Heuristik (Minimum Spaning Tree) as well as the Christofides-Heuristik. Both solve the TSP Problem.
- Another version of TSP Travelling Salesman Problem Heuristic. We included the MST-Heuristik (Minimum Spaning Tree) as well as the Christofides-Heuristik. Both solve the TSP Problem.
- TSP问题是一个典型的、容易描述但是难以处理的NP完全问题,同时TSP问题也是诸多领域内出现的多种复杂问题的集中概括和简化形式。目前求解TSP问题的主要方法有启发式搜索法、模拟退火算法、遗传算法、Hopfield神经网络算法、二叉树描述算法。所以,有效解决TSP问题在计算理论上和实际应用上都有很高的价值,而且TSP问题由于其典型性已经成为各种启发式的搜索、优化算法的间接比较标准(如遗传算法、神经网络优化、列表寻优(TABU)法、模拟退火法等)。遗传算法就其本质来说,主要是解决复杂问题的一种鲁棒性
- TSP是组合优化问题的经典问题,作为启发式算法的编程初学者可以利用这个问题练习编程,本算例条理清晰,简单明了,可以进行学习。-TSP problem is a classic combinatorial optimization problems, as heuristic programming beginner exercise program can take advantage of this issue, this study clear, simple, can learn.
- Simulated Annealing (SA) is the oldest probabilistic meta-heuristic algorithm and one of the first algorithms having ability to avoid being trapped in local minima. It is inspired by the process of annealing in metallurgy. In this process a m
- Heuristic method for the Traveling Salesman Problem A number of nearest neighbour tours are generated randomly selected starting points. Each tour is improved by 2-opt heuristics (pairwise exchange of edges) and the best result is selected.
- 启发式算法的TSP的matlab程序,包含模拟退火算法与遗传算法。(Heuristic algorithm of TSP matlab program, including simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm.)
- 用于解决TSP的启发式算法的matlab程序,包含模拟退火算法与遗传算法。(Matlab program for solving TSP heuristic algorithm, including simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm.)