- his project is my trial to make an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program Before i made this project I v looked at other OCR projects, but in all of them i v seen NNT (Neural Net) and this is VERY COMPLICATED!!! i wan t to make a simple proj
- This article explains how to write a simple web server application using C#. Though it can be developed in any .NET supported language, I chose C# for this example. The code is compiled using Beta 2. Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler Version 7.00.9254
- How to Use Tables With the JTable (in the API reference documentation) class you can display tables of data, optionally allowing the user to edit the data. JTable doesn t contain or cache data it s simply a view of your data. Here s a picture of a ty
- 《VISUAL BASIC 6数据库编程大全》配套源码 《VISUAL BASIC 6数据库编程大全》简洁而专业地指导Visual Basic 程序员如何利用微软的Visual Basic 企业版进行设计和创建数据库应用程序。内容覆盖了VB6程序员所要了解的八个方面,并为数据库程序员提供了经常会遇到的各种问题的必要解决方案。同时讲述了如何将这些技术结合在一起,创建正在莛发展的客户机/服务器,以及基于Web的应用程序。附带的光盘含盖了书中例举的程序代码,极大地方便读者学习和使用VB6进行程序开
- Google Dynamic Website Sitemap Generator RsSitemap V.1.0 //*Author : JackyWei //*Late Modify Date : 2006/11/11 //*Descr iption : Dynamic Website Sitemap Generator //*How to use : // //*History: // 2006/11/11 : First Release At My Bl
- Drag and Drop Component Suite Version 4.1 Field test 5, released 16-dec-2001 ?1997-2001 Angus Johnson & Anders Melander http://www.melander.dk/delphi/dragdrop/ ------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ----------------------
- 介绍在VC6.0下如何创建ATL com组件,并提供实例说明如何使用以及释放ATL控件。 另外,ATL组件也可以应用在网页中。-Describes how to create a VC6.0 ATL com component, and provide examples of how to use and release of ATL control. In addition, ATL component can also be used in Web pages.
- 最全的VIM编辑器使用手册,包含VI所有功能的使用方法,对于初学者来说是一个不错的选择,也可以作为工具书使用.-Most of the VIM editor user manual contains all the features of VI to use for beginners is a good choice, but also can serve as a tool to use.
- 用VB6如何来连接最新的SQL2005数据库,在本例中有详细的代码参考!分享是一种快乐,有问题请联系本人QQ:271658305-How to use VB6 to connect to the latest SQL2005 database, in this case there is a detailed reference code! Share is a happy, there are problems please contact me QQ: 271658305
- 本书系统介绍MATLAB遗传算法和直接搜索工具箱的功能特点、编程原理及使用方法。全书共分为9章 第一章至第四章介绍遗传算法的基础知识第五章至第七章介绍英国设菲尔德大学的MATLAB遗传算法工具箱及其使用方法 第八章和第九章介绍MathWorks公司最新发布的MATLAB遗传算法与直接搜索工具箱及其使用方法-This book systematically introduce MATLAB Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox featur
- 用count.v和count.c两个文件作为例子,用来说明modelsim的pLI使用方法-using two source files (count.v and count.c ) to demonstrate how to use modesim with PLI
- 本文以“学生信息管理”系统雏形为例子,介绍在MFC下如何使用ADO连接数据库编程,并给出示例代码。下面内容第一至四节介绍如何采用ADO连接数据库、关闭数据、执行sql语句及如何用另一种方式执行常用的select语句。第五节介绍如何使用Datagrid控件:建立_RecordsetPtr对象与Datagrid控件之间的绑定,通过改变_RecordsetPtr对象的内容更新数据库表的记录。第一至四节的内容请参考代码“CtrlListDatabase.rar”,第五节内容请参考“Datagrid.ra
- VHDL数字电路设计教程 作者:(巴西)佩德罗尼(Pedroni,V.A.) 著,乔庐峰 等译 本书采用将数字电路系统设计实例与可编程逻辑相结合的方法,通过大量实例,对如何采用VHDL进行电路设计进行了全面阐述。 本书分为三大部分:首先详细介绍VHDL语言的背景知识、基本语法结构和VHDL代码的编写方法;然后介绍VHDL电路单元库的结构和使用方法,以及如何将新的设计加入到现有的或自己新建立的单元库中,以便于进行代码的分割、共享和重用;最后介绍PLD和FPGA的发展历史、主流厂
- 0.最简单的SystemC程序:hello, world. 1.用SystemC实现D触发器的例子,同时也演示了如何生成VCD波形文件。 2.用SystemC实现同步FIFO的例子。这个FIFO是从同文件夹的fifo.v(verilog代码)翻译过来的。 3.如何在SystemC中实现延时(类似verilog中的#time)的例子。 4.SystemC文档《User Guide》中的例子。注意和文挡中稍有不同的是修改了packet.h文件,重载了=和<<操作符。这其实
- VC2010及IT++4.2下实现MIMO的仿真-This example demonstrates how to use the Modulator_ND (MIMO) class for soft-output demodulation. The program simulates a simple convolutionally coded spatial-multiplexing (V-BLAST style) MIMO system with maximum-likelihood, a
- unix下的一个带客户端的麻将游戏 带源码-$Header: /home/jcb/newmj/RCS/README,v 11.4 2003/03/15 12:42:44 jcb Rel $ This is the README file for the Unix mah-jong programs by J. C. Bradfield. NOTICES: -------- Please see the file LICENCE for terms and c
- This book describes the job control tasks needed to enter jobs into the operating system, control the system’s processing of jobs, and request the resources needed to run jobs. To perform the tasks, programmers code job control statements. This
- -This book describes the job control tasks needed to enter jobs into the operating system, control the system’s processing of jobs, and request the resources needed to run jobs. To perform the tasks, programmers code job control statements. This
- I come from Taiwan .I m a begginer,but I m hard to learn how to use V.B
- 这个程序是为了区分SIGNAL和VARIABLE在不同情况下要怎样使用的例程,程序中使用了三种情况来说明问题-This program is designed to differentiate between routine SIGNAL VARIABLE in different situations and how you want to use, the program uses the three cases to illustrate the problem