- 仿真源码包括了多层异构蜂窝网络中基于齐次泊松点过程(HPPP)的建模方法,一篇介绍该模型的12年发表在IEEE trans的论文。以及传统六边形建模方法和信道增益矩阵的计算。-Simulation source code, including the multi-heterogeneous cellular networks based on homogeneous Poisson point process (HPPP) modeling method, a descr iption of t
- MATLAB HPPP 模型,包括HPPP撒点分布,标识每个基站的ID,并画出泰森多边形-MATLAB HPPP model, including HPPP scatter point distribution, identification ID of each base station and draw Thiessen polygons
HPPP&distance matriix &gradient descent method
- 使用HPPP进行多小区、多用户撒点之后,计算任意用户到任意小区的距离,和梯度下降法寻找最优解(After using HPPP for multi cell and multi-user dissemination, the distance between any user and any cell is calculated;and the gradient descent method is used to find the optimal solution.)