- 这篇实验报告是关于单片机多路数据采集的,本实验由2大部分组成:1、为用EPOROM构成的心电信号发生器;2、为多路信号的微机采集与显示;第一部分实验主要研究可编程序存储器EPROM的非计算机应用。把存储在EPROM中的数字心电信号读出并通过D/A转换为模拟信号显示在示波器屏幕上。 第二部分实验的目的是研究一个数据采集系统,该系统利用ECD-51型单片机为中心,由D/A芯片等将各种低频信号以及由EPROM产生的模拟人体心电信号变换成离散的数字信号存入微机内存,以待进行数据处理和分析,然后再通过
- It is a utility to control screen saver using human face detection. Human face detection is performed using OpenCV Haar-Cascade method. The software is primarily a daemon that resides in your system tray and keeps observing the input from a webcam to
- It is a utility to control screen saver using human face detection. Human face detection is performed using OpenCV Haar-Cascade method. The software is primarily a daemon that resides in your system tray and keeps observing the input from a webcam to
- 一种基于HOG-LBP特征的人脸检测方法,对于遮挡的人体非常有效。-By combining Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) as the feature set, we pro- pose a novel human detection approach capable of handling partial occlusion. Two kinds of detectors
- 最新顶级会议CVPR2011关于人体姿态识别文章-Paper] Real-time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images 2011CVPRBodyPartRecognition
- 利用lm库在实现inverse kinematic,能够给定点,使人体的关节点自动符合这些给定的约束-using lm library to realize inverse kinematics, and let the human pose to satisfy the constraints.
- human pose estimation
- 一种基于人手姿态估计的 人机交互方法 机器视觉-Staff attitude estimation based method for human-computer interaction
- While our detector is useful in general, it is especially tailored to be used within our human pose estimation framework .
- cvpr2012_oral Street-to-Shop: Cross-Scenario Clothing Retrieval via Parts Alignment and Auxiliary Set-In this paper, we address a practical problem of crossscenario clothing retrieval- given a daily human photo captured in general environment
- 用3D传感器进行人体姿态估计的一篇文章,对这方面有研究的可以参考-Human pose estimation using 3D sensor article in this regard can refer to the study
Docking Studies of HIV-1 Integrase using Phytochemicals from Andrographispanniculata
- Human Immunodeficiency virus is an existing pathogen for which the development of drugs, vaccines, anti viral therapy has seen little success. The HIV-1 Integrase(HIV-1 IN) is a potential target for antiviral drugs since it plays a vital role in faci
- 单幅图像人体运动3维重建,用到压缩感知的思想,很新颖。-Single three-dimensional image reconstruction of human movement, the idea of compressed sensing is used, very novel.
- 高斯滤波,3D重建,人体姿态识别.最近比较高端的顶级论文,TIP的文章-A Gaussian Process Guided Particle Filter for 3D human pose
- 从二维图像恢复三维的人体姿势,即便发生部分或者严重的人体遮挡。-We address the problem of recovering 3D human pose single 2D images when humans are partially or heavily occluded in the scenes
Automatic posing of a meshed human model
- 我们采用无办法变形质量人体模板的网格从其原来的姿势对点云数据指定不同的姿势。在此方法中,我们首先建立粗模板网格和点云通过压缩的光谱嵌入技术,利用人体四肢之间的对应关系。基于这些对应关系,我们定义使用弹性能量泛函的非刚性配准的目标和应用离散的梯度流,以减少粗控制网格和点云之间的区别。然后可从之后使用均值坐标控制网格的变形变形的模板网格。(We employ a deformable, deformable human body template mesh to specify different
- matlab程序。利用二维图像生成3d形状,有原始代码,有测试数据。(We investigate the problem of estimating the 3D shape of an object, given a set of 2D landmarks in a single image.To alleviate the reconstruction ambiguity, a widely-used approach is to confine the unknown 3D shape
- 人体骨骼的关键点提取,总共十四个点,使用卷积神经网络。(The key points of human skeleton are extracted from a total of fourteen points using convolutional neural networks.)
- OpenPose人体姿态识别项目是美国卡耐基梅隆大学(CMU)基于卷积神经网络和监督学习并以caffe为框架开发的开源库。可以实现人体动作、面部表情、手指运动等姿态估计。适用于单人和多人,具有极好的鲁棒性。是世界上首个基于深度学习的实时多人二维姿态估计应用,基于它的实例如雨后春笋般涌现。人体姿态估计技术在体育健身、动作采集、3D试衣、舆情监测等领域具有广阔的应用前景,人们更加熟悉的应用就是抖音尬舞机(OpenPost Human Attitude Recognition Project is a
- 使用深度学习网络处理人体关节点定位的人体姿态识别(Human pose recognition)