- 识别图片上的文字,识别率有80% 附加c#调用 [DllImport(\"AspriseOCR.dll\")] static extern string craboOCR(string file, int type) private void GetVeryfyCode() { if(File.Exists(_imgPath))//ok now? { try { this.picbVeryfyCode.Image=Syste
Tesseract-OCR 源代码,文字识别
- Tesseract-OCR 源代码,文字识别,支持中文-The Tesseract OCR engine was one of the top 3 engines in the 1995 UNLV Accuracy test. Between 1995 and 2006 it had little work done on it, but it is probably one of the most accurate open source OCR engines available. The
- ocr 图片文字转换,准确率较高,大家可以实验一下-ocr image text conversion, high accuracy, we can try and
- 包含了两个实例用法,使用office的组件,一个实例是c#源码,一个是c++源码,实例功能是识别图片中的文字-Contains two instances of usage, using the office component, an example is the c# source code, one is the c++ source code, example function is to identify text in the image
- OCR文本识别技术,通过此代码学习如何从图片上截取文字-OCR text recognition technology, by this code to learn how to intercept the text from the image
- A simple Matlab program for detecting and extracting text in the image.[JPEG format]. Which can be used for OCR.
- ocr文字识别代码,可以对字母和数字进行识别,并可查看到识别的过程,识别中逐个文字的对比,对进行图像识别开发的很有帮助。-ocr text recognition code, can identify letters and numbers, and can see the process of identification, recognition-by-word comparison, and helpful for the development of image recognition.
- 定位视频图像中的文本,采用的是基于连通域的方法,主要定位视频图像中的英文文本和数字-text location in video Image
- The sample application check for images in a specify directory and reads text from these images if any. It saves text from each image in a text file with the same name as the image, automatically. It can handle problems or exceptions with images.
- Descr iption: A Java/.NET GUI frontend for Tesseract OCR engine. Supports optical character recognition for Vietnamese and other languages supported by Tesseract. VietOCR is released and distributed under the Apache License, v2.0. Fe
- Java OCR - Get Text From Image
- C#截图软件,C#的图像文字识别软件。基于OFFICE DOCUMENT IMAGING的图形识别OCR,识别率非常高!-C# screenshots software, C# image text recognition software. OFFICE, DOCUMENT IMAGING-based graphics recognition OCR recognition rate is very high!
- 是一个图像处理很强大的软件系统,可以实现基本的图像预处理,捕捉视频,文字识别,求取目标距离。-This is very powerful software system, you can achieve the basic image pre-processing, video capture, text recognition, to strike a target distance.
- 独立打包,保证可解压,内含大量源码,网上搜集而来。一共10几包,每个包几十兆。 本包内容: 网络电台收听助手V3.0(VC源码).rar 文件捆绑器源代码.rar 文字图象识别OCR系统开发包.zip 线程池的一种实现.zip 相当不错的一个挂机锁.rar 循序渐进实现仿QQ界面.rar 音乐播放器 .rar 用C写的播放器,超强.rar 优美菜单.rar 注册表监控程序.rar 自绘button.zip 显示网络流量.rar 树控件拖动.
- TESSERACT可能是最準確的開源OCR引擎。結合Leptonica圖像處理庫,它可以讀取多種圖像格式,並轉換為文本在超過60種語言。這是前3發動機的1995年UNLV精度的測試之一。在1995年和2006年之間,有一點就可以完成的工作,但自那時以來,它已經被廣泛的谷歌改善。它是根據Apache許可證2.0。 支持的平台 在Linux,Windows TESSERACT工程(含VC + +速成或Cygwin)和Mac OSX。詳細信息和安裝說明,請參閱自述文件。它也可以被編譯為其他平台
- ocr图片文字识别技术,对图片中的文字进行中文识别。-ocr image text recognition technology
- ocr image to text detection
- 实现扫描图片,识别图片上的的文字和数字功能-Scan an image, text, image recognition and digital functions on a
- C#识别图像文字,附部分代码,使用MODI(C# recognition of image text)
- This package contains an OCR engine - libtesseract and a command line program - tesseract. The lead developer is Ray Smith. The maintainer is Zdenko Podobny. For a list of contributors see AUTHORS and GitHub's log of contributors. Tesseract has