- 自己做的一个室内无线通信仿真,内有说明文档,图形界面控制,十分生动-themselves do a simulation of indoor wireless communications, has documentation, graphical interface control, a very lively
- 射频识别技术及其在室内定位中的应用 (RFID technology and its application in indoor positioning),Radio frequency identification technology and its application in indoor positioning applications (RFID technology and its application in indoor positioning)
- 通过ds18b20的读写时序,测得室内的温度,而达到一种监控,附程序和实物图-Through reading and writing ds18b20 timing, the measured indoor temperature, and reached a monitor attached to the procedures and the physical map
- This example of multiwall model for indoor propagation model. Click on the location of transmitter and press enter,then path loss colour map will shown in figure-This is example of multiwall model for indoor propagation model. Click on the location o
- 室内射线追踪模型的仿真的matlab 代码-indoor propagation model one ray-tracing method
- 在基于无线局域网的环境中进行室内定位的过程中获得信号强度,扫描方式为被动扫描-Wireless LAN-based indoor positioning environment to get the signal strength of the process, the passive scan scan
- 室内移动机器人定位与导航关键技术研究,新思路-Indoor mobile robot localization and navigation key technology research and new ideas
- 加拿大卡尔加里大学的一篇关于GPS室内信号仿真方面的博士论文,质量很高,欢迎下载-University of Calgary, Canada in an article on indoor GPS signal simulation Dr. Fang Miandi papers of high quality, welcome to download
- log_distance path loss model for wireless propagation indoor
- 该PDF论文为TimBailey所著,为其博士论文,详细介绍了EKFSLAM,FASTSLAM1.0,FASTSLAM2.0的相同点和不同点以及优劣。-This thesis addresses the issues of scale for practical implementations of simultaneous localisation and mapping [SLAM] in extensive outdoor environments. Building an incre
- This code is used to calculate the position of user indoor (using KALMAN).
- This matlab code generates UWB indoor channel impulse response described in : Cassioli, D. Win, M.Z. Molisch, A.F., "The ultra-wide bandwidth indoor channel: from statistical model to simulations," Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on
- The standard UWB indoor channel model (S-V) simulation codes.-The standard UWB indoor channel model (SV) simulation codes.
- 室内定位技术以其在定位搜救、公共安全、商业等方面良好的应用前景而备受人们重视。阐述了用于室内定位的几种算法,在详细介绍RF ID传感器定位原理、特点及关键技术的基础上,评述了LANDMARC定位系统及其优缺点,并展望了室内定位技术的发展趋势。-Accurate indoor positioning technology is an important and novel emerging technology for location rescue, public safety and co
- 通过单一的Wi-Fi接入点的信号强度来判断移动物体的位置。比较新的一篇文章。用了蒙特卡罗抽样的办法-Monte Carlo Sampling Method-来估计位置。-This paper describes research towards a system for locating wireless nodes in a home environment requiring merely a single access point. The only sensor reading
- In this paper, a two-dimensional (2-D) transverse magnetic (TM) mode finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is used to simulate the indoor radio wave propagation and model the indoor ultra wideband (UWB) channel. The modulated Gaussian p
- The attached paper provides note for indoor localization. It is ideally intended for embedded firmware deployment but can be implemented on mobile devices
- 设计一个室内三维环境, 并利用OPEN GL展示它的三维效果。 要求: (1)包含基本的实体元素:球、多面体、锥体、柱体、曲面等; (2)有全局光照效果和纹理功能; (3)程序具有交互功能. -Three-dimensional design of an indoor environment, and demonstrate its use OPEN GL the three-dimensional effect. Requirements: (1) contains the
- The main goal of this work is to provide a unified theory of QSTBCs for four transmit antennas and one (or more) receive antennas. The thesis consists of two main parts: In the first part we analyze the QSTBCs transmission without any channel kno
indoor propagation models
- Indoor propagation models