- 一个用Java实现字体的三维显示效果的小例子。-A example of 3-D specially effect of fonts realizing by Java
- JAVA编写的一个三维动画演示系统,采用JAVA3D制作,实现三维变换及渲染。-a 3d cartoon display system in java. it realize the 3D transform and romance by JAVA3D.
- java开发的三维引擎 很适合初学者,代码很少,却有劲想不到的用处-java development of the 3D engine is suitable for beginners, code rarely, but can not think of the usefulness of interesting
- Reilly Killer Game Programming in Java书的源代码,键盘控制的java三维机器战士,对学习Java 3D开发很有帮助。运行需java media api支持。-Reilly Killer Game Programming in Java book source code, keyboard control of the machine java 3D fighters, to learn Java 3D development helpful. Operati
- vrml和java3d的完美结合 大家可以尝试把wrl文件导入Java三维环境。 尽情的去作自己的毕业设计吧!-vrml and java3d the perfect combination we can try to wrl documents into Java 3D environment. The hearts to make their graduation design!
- 利用Java 3D API来编写的一个Java三维动画的演示程序。这个程序将在中央显示一行3D的文字,在4个角分别显示4个不同的几何形体,并不停地旋转变化颜色,同时循环播放音乐。-use Java 3D API to write a Java 3D animation demonstration program. This procedure will be shown here in the central 3D language, the four Kok showed four diffe
- 本程序是利用java语言开发的坦克游戏程序,使用java 3d技术实现三维造型。-use of this procedure is java language tanks games, the use of java 3d technology to achieve 3D modeling.
Java 3D编程实践
- Java 3D编程实践.rar Java 3D 编程实践——网络上的三维动画 一书的源码,介绍了java3d编程,-Java 3D programming practice. Rar.rar Java 3D programming practice -- on the Web 3D animation of a source book, introduced the java3d programming,
- 首先安装JRE,再安装java3d包(Java 3D包的文件名为java3d-1_3_1-windows-i586-opengl-sdk.exe,可以到百度,GOOGLE和北大天网上去搜索这个文件,就会有下载的)。默认情况下java3d包会安装在你的$\\JBuilder9\\jdk1.4\\目录下。会在$\\JBuilder9\\jdk1.4\\jre\\lib\\ext\\下添加几个jar文件,会在$\\JBuilder9\\jdk1.4\\demo\\目录下添加一个java3d目录,里面是
- Jmol是一个使用java语言编写的开源的免费三维分子显示工具,用于分子模型的浏览和编辑,可以支持多种分子格式,并支持多种常用的图像格式。 ,Jmol is a java language to use free open-source tool for three-dimensional display elements for the molecular model of browsing and editing, the format can support a variety of e
- vrml浏览控制的图形界面设计,自动漫游,视点跳转,浏览控制方法的设计。对vrml三维用户界面的设计有很*价值。,vrml browser graphical interface designed to control, automatic roaming, Viewpoint Jump, browse the design of control methods. Vrml three-dimensional user interface for the design of great re
- 《JAVA 3D 交互式三维图形编程》书中第三章的全部源代码。-err
- Java 3D是Java语言在三维图形领域的扩展,是一组应用编程接口(API)。利用Java 3D提供的API,可以编写出基于网页的三维动画、各种计算机辅助教学软件和三维游戏等等。利用Java 3D编写的程序,只需要编程人员调用这些API进行编程,而客户端只需要使用标准的Java虚拟机就可以浏览,因此具有不需要安装插件的优点。 JAVA 3D从高层次为开发者提供对三维实体的创建、操纵和着色,使开发工作变得极为简单。同时,JAVA 3D的低级API是依赖于现有的三维图形系统的,如Direc
- 实现基于2幅二维图像的目标的三维重构,相机定标,图像配准-The task of fi nding correspondences between two images of the same scene or object
- java3d中碰撞检测源码,可以实现三维空间中两个物体的相交测试-Collision Detection in java3d source can be achieved in three-dimensional space of the intersection of the two test objects
- 一个利用Java3D API编写的Java三维动画演示程序。-A 3D animationdemo programe writed with Java3D API.
- Java Maze3D迷宫游戏源码,浏览器上只要安上JAVA解释器就能运行,三维显示迷宫,点击 "New" 按钮开始迷宫之旅, 找不到出口的时候点击"Solve" 按钮显示红色的出口线路,点击"Clear" 清除解答。按上、下、左、右光标键可以单步找出口。-Maze Game Java Maze3D source, as long as the browser installed on JAVA interpreter will be able to run a maze of three-di
- 三维模型浏览器,源代码,国外程序员编写,希望对大家有用-a md3 model viewer which i write in C++ with the free development environment dev-c++. I use the libraries FLTK and opengl to display the model. Actually only the meshes are displayed. Development Status 4- Beta Environmen
- 进行傅里叶变换的java代码,其中有三个java文件,Signal中Signal类存放了信号,FFT1D进行一维傅里叶变换,ToolboxFourier进行了三维傅里叶变换。图像处理的可以看下。-Fourier transform of the java code, which has three java files, Signal Signal class stored in the signal, FFT1D for one-dimensional Fourier transform, T
- 通过java实现对三维点云进行分割,包括三种方法:基于法向量的、基于区域的、基于聚类的