- Inspects radioactive matters instantly Enough flexible to change running parameters such as USB port, detectors amount, type of siren, etc Supports the searching of alarm record from database Well separated of syst
- java记录成绩册,提取成绩,对成绩排序管理-java record results list, extraction results, the management of sequencing results
- this java code if for record any data, something like students exam results and it can modify and remove,also other functions
- java录音放音-Java record/play voice
JAVA 程序源代码1
- 1 记忆测试软件 主类Memory 方块 Block 记忆测试板MemoryTestPane 显示成绩 ShowRecord 记录成绩 Record 随机排列图标 RandomSetIcon 测试者 People 2 计算器 主类 ComputerPad 数值按钮NumberButton 运算符号按钮OperationButton 3 HANNOI-塔 主类 Tower Hannoi-塔 HannoiTower 塔点 TowerPoint 盘子 Disk 4 JPEG图象生成器 主类 Make
JAVA 程序源代码3
- 11 中国象棋打谱软件 主类 Chess 对弈棋盘ChessBoard 棋子ChessPiece 棋点 ChessPoint 走棋法则Rule 步骤MoveStep 记录棋谱MakeChessManual 棋谱演示Demon 12 魔板游戏 主类PuzzleFrame 魔板PuzzlePad 魔板中的点SquarePoint 13 挖雷游戏 主类Game 方块 Block 雷区 MineSquare 雷标数目 FindAroundMineMarkNumber 雷标判断 DetermineMin
- 小型企业员工管理系统,用于管理员工上下班的考勤系统,记录员工本月的出勤情况,出差情况等,及员工本月工资。-Small Business staff management system for managing employee attendance to record staff attendance this month, ttrip_business and so on, and staff salaries this month.
- 本项目是个人为户外探险人员及旅游人员研发的,线路跟踪。可对自己线跟进行跟踪并记录;GPS定位;地址位置查询;后期版本将会导出在手绘地图,为户外探险人员提供良好的线路记录。-The project is a personal staff for outdoor adventure and travel personnel R & D, the line tracking. Can carry out their own line with the track and recorded G
- 一个用Java写的录音程序,很简单,但是能说明一些实例需注意的事情。-A recording program to use Java to write very simple, but it can illustrate some examples of things that need attention.
- 记录并回放鼠标移动轨迹的程序 java-Record and playback mouse trajectory procedure java
- 本人写的第二个J2ME游戏,是个横板飞行射击游戏,游戏带有音效、碰撞检测、爆炸动画、简单的RMS记录分数。数字键0为使用炸弹。由于条件限制,未在真机测试过。-I wrote the second J2ME games, is a horizontal board flight shooting game, games with sound effects, collision detection, the explosion animation, a simple RMS record scor
- 这是一个用java编写的通讯录程序,可以用来记录电话号码和添加删除记录-This is an address book using java prepared by the procedure can be used to record telephone numbers and add the deletion of records
- 自制 9格拼图游戏 java jfc程序 按钮拼图 记录步数 用时 重玩 退一步 改变风格 -9 grid made jigsaw puzzle java jfc record button procedure step by step back when the weight change in style of play
- 进行网络抓包,方便实用,能够根据自己的抓包需要进行设置。而且方便查看抓包记录-Network capture, convenient and practical, able to capture the need for their own settings. And user-friendly capture record
- Java学生管理系统学生及成绩记录的查询删除修改-Java student management system for students and track record of the query to delete modify
- Java录音程序,Record类完成语音信号采集的任务。它使用javax.sound.sampled包中提供的用于捕获、处理和回放取样音频数据的各种接口和类实现对说话人语音信号的采集。-Java recording procedures, Record type complete voice signal acquisition task. It uses javax.sound.sampled package provided for the capture, processing and p
- college library java gui
- JAVA做的再线客服系统,很好很强大,轻松管理客户资源 可以备注访客或添加到客户列表 跟踪客户状况,可录入跟进记录,再次访问自动显示客户信息及上次交谈内容及时间 可以对客户进行分组管理,掌握与客户的联络记录 -JAVA to do the re-line customer service system, very very powerful, easy to manage customer resources You can add notes to visitors or cu
- 用java 实现录音播放功能,java sound类-Using java to achieve recording playback, java sound class
- 基于Java的画图程序源代码,定义图案类型,记录鼠标拖动的起始点和终点、增加鼠标事件、鼠标释放事件、重绘屏幕、根据shape值绘制图形(Java-based drawing program source code, define the pattern type, record the starting point and end point of the mouse drag, add mouse events, mouse release events, redraw the screen,