- This an application of 3D computer graphics designed using jogl and Netbeans IDE. This loads the .obj and .mtl files in a 3D Scene. Good stuff for 3D computer graphics learners.-This is an application of 3D computer graphics designed using jogl and N
- 使用jogl实现的3d虚拟漫游场景 其中里面用到了中文文字的显示 还是值得参考的-Implemented using jogl scene 3d Virtual Tour
- 一個java操作opengl做3D的好東西-Java opengl operating a good thing to do 3D
- jogl开发的windows包,可以用于开发-jogl development windows package, can be used to develop
- 用jogl Java 开发 的 多视角 迷宫程序。-It s a multiple view of Maze developed using jogl.
- Multiagent system programmed using Java with Jason to simulate player interactivity in an MMORPG. Multithreaded & rendering done using openGL jogl.-Multiagent system programmed using Java with Jason to simulate player interactivity in an MMORPG. Mult
- java实现的3D效果,利用jogl库,可以作为java3D的入门例子。-java to achieve 3D effects, use of jogl library, can be used as examples java3D entry.
- An opengl example of a planet with texture
- librerias jogl para desarrolar en open gl en lenguiaje java
- M3g jsr-184 for j2se samples and midp emulator with jogl
- this is sample demo of using jogl with shaders in GL2ES2 format.
- jogl是Java对OpenGLAPI绑定的开源项目并设计为采用Java开发的应用程序提供3D图形硬件支持。 本压缩包内共三个文件: jogl1.1.2 nehe的jogl教程的源代码实例 OpenGL-Nehe完整中文教程.pdf-jogl is a Java binding to the OpenGLAPI designed for open-source projects and applications developed using Java to provide 3D
- ejemplos de jogl en java, sistema solar
- The Java jogl OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 1: In this lesson, the basic components of a jogl program explained. Window production and camera positioning means gluLookAt () are explained. In addition,we create the basis for our example GL_QUA
- The Java jogl OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 2: The second lesson deals with the production of geometric primitives with GLU and GLUT. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info
- The Java jogl OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 3: The third lesson we learn about the lights.We treat different types of lights and how to generate one. Then we use this to our scene to light. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info
- The Java jogl OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 4: The fourth lesson covers materials that we can use to spice up our scene. Different materials are presented and explained their use. Credit goes to http://www.jogl.info
- This is my first jogl source program... it is simple but it may provide me with a basis for creating high quality 3-D games in Java.
- My second biggest experiment with Java OpenGL... It s still simple but I will develop with it a lot... I see it as a way to develop really good shaders in jogl-My second biggest experiment with Java OpenGL... It s still simple but I will develop with
- Ever wondered how to do picking in Java with a Java 3-D application?? Well look no further than this small piece of code I have done to do with picking in jogl-Ever wondered how to do picking in Java with a Java 3-D application?? Well look no further