Pro Java 6 3D Game Development
- Java 3D is a high-level 3D graphics API based around the construction of a scene graph data structure that contains the objects that appear in the 3D scene. Java 3D topics covered here include how to build your own 3D models, load existing models, cr
- This an application of 3D computer graphics designed using JOGL and Netbeans IDE. This loads the .obj and .mtl files in a 3D Scene. Good stuff for 3D computer graphics learners.-This is an application of 3D computer graphics designed using JOGL and N
- 一個java操作opengl做3D的好東西-Java opengl operating a good thing to do 3D
- 用JOGL Java 开发 的 多视角 迷宫程序。-It s a multiple view of Maze developed using JOGL.
- An opengl example of a planet with texture
- android opengl使用举例。提供10个简单的例子-For example the use of android opengl. 10 to provide a simple example
- JOGL是Java对OpenGLAPI绑定的开源项目并设计为采用Java开发的应用程序提供3D图形硬件支持。 本压缩包内共三个文件: jogl1.1.2 nehe的jogl教程的源代码实例 OpenGL-Nehe完整中文教程.pdf-JOGL is a Java binding to the OpenGLAPI designed for open-source projects and applications developed using Java to provide 3D
- The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 1: In this lesson, the basic components of a JOGL program explained. Window production and camera positioning means gluLookAt () are explained. In addition,we create the basis for our example GL_QUA
- This is my first JOGL source program... it is simple but it may provide me with a basis for creating high quality 3-D games in Java.
- My second biggest experiment with Java OpenGL... It s still simple but I will develop with it a lot... I see it as a way to develop really good shaders in JOGL-My second biggest experiment with Java OpenGL... It s still simple but I will develop with
- Ever wondered how to do picking in Java with a Java 3-D application?? Well look no further than this small piece of code I have done to do with picking in JOGL-Ever wondered how to do picking in Java with a Java 3-D application?? Well look no further
- The most advanced work I have up to date with JOGL which is lighting with 3-D balls colliding and bouncing around and disappearing... You may edit the source code and see if you may get any interesting results!! Hopefully I will start doing something
- jogl(java绑定opengl)源码,此文件包括opengl的直线、圆以及三角形篓垫算法,其中的直线和圆组成一个时钟。-jogl (java binding opengl) source, this document includes opengl linear, circular and triangular baskets, mats algorithm, which form a line and round the clock.
- Source Code OpenGL and Java (JOGL), for generate 3D maze (using DFS algorithm), and you can move a cursor in maze, using your mouse, to find a way out from maze.
- 使用JOGL,创造一个3D的世界,在3D世界中漫游-Use of JOGL, to create a 3D world, roaming the world in 3D
- 一个用jogl写的画球体的代码,可以用鼠标控制球体的旋转-Draw a sphere with jogl write the code, you can use the mouse to control the ball' s rotation
- a simple jogl game showing basic methods and basic movements
- a basic and simple jogl program with walls in it, showing collision detection
- its a jar file to AR related development it contains many classes projects everything
- sph fluid:The base program renders particle systems using JOGL (Java ... JOGL: A Beginner s Guide and Tutorial ... By default, the simulation will perform several time steps per frame. .... More interesting scenes: Dropping water in a box is only so