- 6自由度puma机器人仿真程序源码。This is PUMA3d.M, a 3D Matlab Kinematic model of a Puma robot located in the robotics lab of Walla Walla University. The file uses CAD data converted to Matlab using cad2matdemo.m, which is located on the Mathworks central file ex
- 该程序用PID系统实现差动转向车辆控制 -A framework for a differential steering vehicle controlled by a PID system tuned with a genetic algorithm. Kinematic model include: constant velocities and variable velocities model. Accurate and simplified kinematics are provide
- 2D elastoplasticity solver for a time dependent two-yied model, which generalizes a classical model of linear kinematic hardening and features a hysteresis behaviour. -2D elastoplasticity solver for a time dependent two-yied model, which generalizes
- 一种基于运动模型的扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)算法,该方法适用于任何能用状态空间模型表示的非线性系统,精度可以逼近最优估计.-an EKF positioning and tracking algorithm based on kinematic model. This method can apply to any state-space model which is the nonlinear system, and the accuracy can approach to best of al
- a real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module
- real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module an
- 双线性随动 等向强化应变控制循环对称加载-Bilinear kinematic strain-controlled cyclic isotropic hardening symmetrical load
- gearing box kinematic model
- 1、利用simulink中sfunction方法建立航天器姿态动力学模型和运动学模型; 2、利用linmod对非线性模型线性化; 3、姿态模型线性化后,利用极点配置(pole)方法求取控制参数; 4、将控制参数带入非线性模型仿真控制效果。-One using simulink sfunction method to establish the dynamic model and kinematic model of the spacecraft attitude 2,
- Simulation and Kalman filter for a 3rd order kinematic model Using a Discrete Wiener Process Acceleration (DWPA) model, we illustrate the usage of the Java implementation of the Kalman filter we presented in the previous post. The model we
- 通过对六自由度机械臂的轨迹规划的具体分析!基于其运动学模型的算法的模拟实现!关节空间中的轨迹规化等方面的全过程的研究,阐述了机器人轨迹规划的一般规律"运用的规划方法可以很好解决在机械臂在工作过程中的平稳性,以及控制时的实时性和精确性等矛盾问题" -Through the six degrees of freedom manipulator trajectory planning of specific analysis! Algorithm based on its kinematic mo
- DHM PROGRAM which is used to calculate direct and inverse geometric model,direct and inverse kinematic model anddirect and inverse dynamic model of a serial robot with any dergee of freedem-DHM PROGRAM which is used to calculate direct and inverse ge
- 雷达数据处理对于观测的目标位置数据(称为点迹)进行滤波处理,自动形成航迹,并且可以对下一个目标的位置进行估计预测。利用最小二乘算法(LMS)进行滤波处理,得到了比较稳定的航迹估计。 最小二乘方法是参数估计中一种较为常见的参数估计方法。对于雷达观测数据,在我们假定已经精确知道航迹的运动学模型之后,通过建立观测方程,即可以对于模型的参数,如初速度,初始位置和加速度等进行最小均方误差估计。采用序贯最小二乘的方法可以对观测数据进行实时处理,已对待估计参数进行实时更新,然后利用观测模型可以对 数据进行
- 金属材料的随动强化有限元模型,适用于有限元分析的本构模型二次开发-Finite element model of kinematic hardening of metallic materials, constitutive model suitable for finite element analysis of secondary development
- to formulate forward kinematics robot model using robotics tool box in matlab-to formulate forward kinematics robot model using robotics tool box in matlab
- 智能车辆基于运动学模型建立的横向控制策略,MATLAB-Intelligent Vehicle lateral control strategy based on the kinematic model, MATLAB
- 该MATLAB程序为冗余七自由度自由漂浮空间机器人运动学模型-The MATLAB program is a kinematic model of a redundant 7 DOF free-floating space robot
- 该MATLAB程序为六自由度自由漂浮空间机器人动力学模型-The MATLAB program is a kinematic model of a 6DOF free-floating space robot
- 机械臂运动学模型,以及GUI开发,包含机械臂正运动、逆运动学验证(Kinematic model of robot arm and GUI development, including mechanical arm forward kinematics and inverse kinematics verification)
SCARA - nb
- SCARA的运动学模型,基于PMAC的两轴运动学方程。(The kinematic model of SCARA is based on the two axis kinematic equations of PMAC.)