L1-norm 优化求解
- 稀疏性方程组的优化求解算法,利用L1-norm求解最稀疏的方程组解。主要用于压缩感知领域。
- 压缩感知中求解最优L1范数问题的BP算法内含指导文章-Compressed sensing in L1 norm to solve the problem of optimal BP algorithm article contains guidance
- Logistic Loss with the L1-norm Regularization
- 压缩感知中求解最优L1范数问题的BP算法内含指导文章-Compressed sensing in L1 norm to solve the problem of optimal BP algorithm article contains guidance
- 四元数乘法、求逆、共轭、求范数函数,并附有求解矢量旋转坐标的程序例子-Quaternion multiplication, inverse, conjugate, seeking norm function, together with procedures for solving the example of vector rotating coordinate
- 图像的各向异性扩散,利用matlab实现Perona_Malik算法,梯度阈值K通过对图像求解2-范数的方法迭代获得-Anisotropic diffusion images, using matlab to achieve Perona_Malik algorithm, the gradient threshold images by solving the K 2- norm method will be obtained
- 本程序是利用同伦方法求解L1范数最小化的数值算法-This procedure is the use of homotopy methods to solve the L1-norm minimization numerical algorithm
- 稀疏编码的工具包,用matlab实现,数学上是求解l1 norm最小化-toolkit for sparse coding
- l1benchmark 这个算法包提供了十种求解带稀疏约束的矩阵方程 AX=b 的 matlab 实现代码,并提供了一个比较各种算法求解结果的演示。-An L1-norm minimization benchmark package, which contains an implementation of ten L1-norm minimization algorithms in matlab. The package also provides a test scr ipt for comp
- contains documents relating to improvement of adaptive beamforming using mixed norm algorithm, combination of lms with smi algorithm, sample code for implementation of lms in matlab
- 用有限差分法来解偏微分方程,采用高斯——赛德尔迭代方法,并用前后两次迭代差的矩阵的无穷范数作为是否停止迭代的依据。-Using finite difference method to solve partial differential equations, using Gauss- Seidel iterative methods, and poor before and after the two iterations of the infinite matrix norm as the b
- Write a matlab program which solves the initial value problem y = (xy − y2)/x2, y(1) = 2, by the order four Runge-Kutta method, over the interval [1, 3] using steps of h = 1/128. The exact solution to this problem is given by y(x) = x/
- This package contains code for solving seven optimization problems. -The main directory contains matlab m-files which contain simple examples for each of the recovery problems. They illustrate how the code should be used (it is fairly straightfor
- 用matlab产生正态分布和均匀分布,采用三种方法,并且进行纵横向对比-Generated using matlab normal and uniform distribution, using three methods, and conducted to compare vertical and horizontal
- 单位圆的内插实现,里面有4种内插算法:拉格朗日插值、牛顿插值、分段线性插值、分段样条插值、以及插值误差范数估计-Interpolation to achieve the unit circle, which has four kinds of interpolation algorithms: Lagrange interpolation, piecewise-linear interpolation, sub-spline interpolation, as well as norm inte
- TV正则化去卷积the Iteratively Reweighted norm algorithm for solving the generalized TV functional, which includes the L2-TV and and L1-TV problems-An Iteratively Reweighted norm Algorithm for Minimization of Total Variation Functionals
- KNN classifiers, training is training set, testing is test set, D is the distance, D=1 is mandistance D=2 is 欧氏距离 D=3是 infinite norm K is the number of selected neighbors- KNN classifiers, training is training set, testing is test set,
- KNN classifiers, training is training set, testing is test set, D is the distance, D=1 is mandistance D=2 is 欧氏距离 D=3是 infinite norm K is the number of selected neighbors- KNN classifiers, training is training set, testing is test set,
- KNN classifiers, training is training set, testing is test set, D is the distance, D=1 is mandistance D=2 is 欧氏距离 D=3是 infinite norm K is the number of selected neighbors- KNN classifiers, training is training set, testing is test set,
- 很好的正态分布代码,用简单的matlab代码编写,很清晰!-Very good normal distribution code, matlab code is written in simple, very clear!