- M_MAP教你如何用MATLAB绘制海洋、大气类的图。可以使用各种投影,添加各种精度的岸线,绘制的图清晰美观。,M_MAP teach you how to use MATLAB mapping ocean, the atmosphere kind of map. Can use a variety of projection, the line to add a variety of precision, drawing a clear appearance of the map.
- m_map是加拿大学者编写的一个在matlab上绘地图的软件,对于海洋遥感的研究有用。,m_map is written by Canadian scholars which can be used to draw a map in matlab programming environment. This software is very useful especially for ocean science research.
- 该matlab程序包实现从Ocean Optics s2000型号的光谱仪采集数据文件中读取数据,并对采集数据进行背景去除,提取特定波段的数据绘制光谱图-The matlab package implement reading data file made by Ocean Optics s2000 spectrometer , and remove the background collecting data, extract a specific band spectra data mapp
- 用于海洋密度计算和绘图 的程序包 可以直接调用相关函数-Density calculation for the ocean and drawing packages can be directly related to the function call
- M_MAP教你如何用MATLAB绘制海洋、大气类的图。可以使用各种投影,添加各种精度的岸线,绘制的图清晰美观。-M_MAP teach you how to use MATLAB mapping ocean, the atmosphere kind of map. Can use a variety of projection, the line to add a variety of precision, drawing a clear appearance of the map.
- EM Scattering of the ocean surface.Ocean surface spectrum generation with matlab.
- Icepack 是一个matlab插件,描述海洋和大气的运动的软件。-Icepack is a Matlab toolkit for assessing the performance of sea ice coupling to ocean and atmospheric components of climate models. It includes tools for preparing band-limited forcing fields for ice-ocean models t
- 用于画海洋中常用的流矢过程线、潮流玫瑰图等,非常实用-Commonly used for painting the ocean flow vector process line, the trend of roses and so on, very useful
- 三维海面建模,包括仿真涌浪及风浪,等高线等。模拟三维海洋表面的海浪-Three-dimensional surface modeling, including simulation of surge and waves, contour lines. Simulated three-dimensional ocean surface wave
- Cool visualization of shallow water wave equation Employs Crank-Nicholson scheme, 2nd order accurate, CFD calculation of shallow water wave equation. If processor is slow, can decrease ni, nj, tmax. Very little viscous diffusion allowed, bounda
- 采用matlab编制,可用于画随时间、地点变化的海流矢量图-The source code is written with matlab and can be used to draw time and space varying ocean currents
- 利用matlab判斷影像矩陣,利用近紅外光圖使海洋與陸地區分並找出海岸線-Judgment using matlab image matrix, using near-infrared light diagram of the marine and terrestrial distinguish and identify the coastline
- 利用卫星水色数据进行可视化,包括对图像的修饰和处理,数据插值。-Use of satellite ocean color data visualization, including image retouching and processing, data interpolation.
- 利用卫星数据描绘大洋表面温度,并附有分析说明-Using satellite data depicting ocean surface temperatures, along with analysis shows
- NOAA网站AVHRR卫星数据绘图(SST)。数据选用原因:它本身是已经被处理过的27年(1982-2008)全球月平均数据,而且数据精度非常高,对于研究全球SST的气候态特征有较好的说服性;另外,选择2月与8月的数据,对描述海洋水温的平面分布更具有代表性。 -NOAA AVHRR satellite data mapping site (SST). Data Selection reasons: it is itself already been treated for 27 years
- 由海洋模式数据和卫星高度计诊断的海表面高度诊断海洋中尺度涡旋的matlab程序-Detect the geostrophic eddies altimetry and ocean models sea surface height (SSH). Detection method : a combination of detecting the largest closed contours in SSH and the positive values of an Okubo-We
- Calculating a target and ocean echo power spectral density, You can get a very accurate amplitude, frequency, phase estimation, Conducted through virtual array DOA estimation.
- 百度传课花了600大洋买的,看了分享出来,只能以账号形式共享,希望大家安静的看就好,不要对账号做其他改动(Baidu pass class spent 600 ocean bought, read, share out, can only share in the form of accounts, I hope everyone quiet look good, do not make other changes to the account)
- 提供的matlab程序为绘制海洋断面图的程序。(The matlab program provides a program for drawing an ocean cross section.)
- Modern signal processing used in the spectral estimation in matlab, Calculating a target and ocean echo power spectral density, Calculate the maximum eigenvalue judgment matrix of AHP.