- -- WISHBONE revB2 compiant I2C master core -- -- author: Richard Herveille -- rev. 0.1 based on simple_i2c -- rev. 0.2 april 27th 2001, fixed incomplete sensitivity list on assign_dato process (thanks to Matt Oseman) -- rev. 0.3 may 4th 200
- 在 Visual Studio .NET 中使用 SQL Server 2000 生成数据库应用程序.Matt Mannion 和 Jon Rauschenberger Clarity Consulting Inc. 适用于: Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET -in Visual Studio.NET using SQL Server 2000 generat
- About WinMTR: WinMTR is a windows clone of popular Matt s traceroute Linux program. Original mtr can be found at http://www.bitwizard.nl/mtr/ Installation: Binary: Unzip winmtr_bin.zip. You will have in unzip directory two files:
- 使用 LIBCTINY.LIB 为 EXE 和 DLL 文件 减肥 原著:Matt Pietrek 翻译:crazyd 原文出处:MSDN Magazine January 2001 Reduce EXE and DLL Size with LIBCTINY.LIB 原代码下载:Hood0101.exe (45KB) 在 October 1996 column 我讨论过一个有关可执行文件大小的问题。那个时候,一个简单的
- Windows 95 System Programming SECRETS is Matt Pietrek s third major work on how to truly understand Microsoft Windows. Matt has been mucking about with this Windows stuff for quite some time. His life as techno-guru began when he graduated in 1988
- Matt Pietrek 著的《Windows 95 System Programming SECRETS》(中文译名:《Windows 95 系統程式設計大奧秘》)中的第8章,专门介绍WINDOWS的PE文件格式,非常有价值,这个是由这章单独整理出来的。-Matt Pietrek with the "Windows 95 System Programming SECRETS" (Hansard : "Windows 95 system programmers bi
- 包含几个输出调试信息的工具源码,即TraceWin或DBWin一类,包括大师Matt Pietrek 的DBWin。全部工具有: DLGBAR32.EXE GDIOBJ1.EXE CMDLEARN.EXE SNDMSGBG.EXE LODPRF32.EXE-contains several output debug source of information tools, or DBWin a TraceWin categories, including the Masters Matt Pie
- 使用OpenGLES的库实现各种纹理特效,包括水纹,模糊等。The application demonstrates several effects using GLES functions.Such as Matt effect Focus blur, Uniform blur and so on.-The use of the library OpenGLES realize a variety of texture effects, including水纹, fuzzy, etc.. Th
- DNS on Windows Server 20003 is a special Windows-oriented edition of the classic DNS and BIND, newly updated to document the many changes to DNS, large and small, found in Windows Server 2003. Veteran O Reilly authors, Cricket Liu, Matt Larson, and R
- 关于habari Habari为“下一代”Blog程序,一个艺术级的发布平台,来源于Wordpress,是Wordpress的部分成员因为不满Wordpress日益商业化和matt的独断,离开Wordpress另外开发一个项目。是博客软件中的后起之秀。 Habari功能 1、采用模块化和面向对象的设计模,使其非常容易扩展 2、支持多种数据库做为后端(MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL) 3、事先准备的语句用于阻止SQL语句的入侵 4、M
- 应急标志灯程序(无光检2009)已验证超过FLASH范围没有警告提示-Emergency lights Procedure (Matt Frederick 2009) has been verified, there is no warning prompt over FLASH
- (IDG - ebook) - Windows 95 System Programming Secrets - Matt Pietrek Disk
- I upload this paper in the hope of leting other people have a better understading about the usage of Wireless Sensor Network. I love WSN, and thanks to the authors: Geoffrey Werner-Allen, Konrad Lorincz, and Matt Welsh Harvard University
- Handbook of MRI Pulse Sequences.Matt A. Bernstein.Elsevier.2004
- Matt Brown 和 David G. Lowe 关于图像拼接的demo-Matt Brown and David G. Lowe' s demo on the image mosaic
- Spring live中文版 Matt Raible 白汉奇[译]-Spring live Chinese version Matt Raible Bai Hanqi [Translation]
- tutorial for pca based face recognition system
- nasa有关线性运动学方程的资料,对于飞行动力学,及其相关的控制专业很有帮助。-A numerical technique has been developed a t Langley Research Center which generates l i n e a r perturbation models from nonlinear a i r c r a f t vehicle simulations. The technique is very general and can
- LABVIEW ADVANCED PROGRAMMING TECHINIQUES Rick Bitter Taqi Mohiuddin Matt Nawrocki CRC Pre-As the power of the standard personal computer has steadily evolved, so have the capabilities of LabVIEW. LabVIEW has simplified the working liv
- 《GPU精粹2》的主编是NVIDIA公司的软件工程师Matt Pharr。Matt也是Physically Based Rendering:From Theory to Implementation(Morgan Kaufmann,2004)一书的合著者之一。“GPU精粹”系列编辑是Randima Fernando。Randy 主编了“GPU精粹”的第1卷(Addison-Wesley,2004),而且是The Cg Tutorial(Addiosn-Wesley,2003)的合著者,其论文“A