- 硬盘主引导扇区读写程序源代码,可用于读取硬盘主引导扇区的信息也可对其进行修改-The source code for hard disk boot master(MBR) read/write , you can use it read or edit hard disk s boot master sector.
- 鬼影下载者的源代码,感染引导区MBR,劫持INT3,还有WINDOWS引导过程,可参考学习,但不要自己中招了-Those who download the source code ghost, boot sector infected MBR, hijacking INT3, as well WINDOWS boot process, refer to learning, but do not own the recruited
- 一个MBR (硬盘主引导区)的汇编源代码.,A MBR (master boot hard disk area) a compilation of source code.
- 读写磁盘主引导区(MBR)_VC 6.0++源代码,Read and write disk master boot sector (MBR) _VC 6.0++ Source code
- 一个基于MBR的bootkit,主要功能是实现NDIS的后门技术,接受固定格式的数据包而实现主机红屏。,The eEye BootRootKit NDIS backdoor is a demonstration of boot-time Windows kernel subversion technology. The assembly source code (ebrk.asm) was written for use with MASM 6.11. It comes in pre-pac
- 用汇编语言,设计一个多重引导程序,安装在一个装有多个操作系统的硬盘里,在计算机启动的时候,能让用户选择要启动的系统。 这是学习汇编程序设计课程的实验,自己写的,用masm编译,在vmware虚拟机上测试通过。内附源码、可执行程序及实验报告。 该程序会改写MBR引导的部分,在真是机器上运行有风险。-This is multi-boot program. With MultiBoot installed in the hard drive installed several OS, user
- 鬼影感染MBR的源代码,内核,驱动,安全,逆向,病毒,*-鬼影感染MBR的源代码,内核,驱动,安全,逆向,病毒,* Translate from: Chinese Allow phonetic typingType text or a website address or translate a document. Cancel Guǐ yǐng gǎnrǎn MBR de yuán dàimǎ, nèihé, qūdòng, ānquán, nìxiàng, bìngdú,
- fdisk 实现源码,可以查询Linux下系统的分区信息-fdisk implementation source code
- 一些对硬盘mbr的源代码,自己研究了很长时间,但是还是不太明白,希望对大家有用!-Some of the hard disk mbr source code, their own research for a long time, but still do not quite understand, and I hope useful!
- MBR登陆验证的汇编源码,带有详细注释。-The MBR login verification of assembly source code, with detailed annotations.
- 感染MBR的代码,几乎跟eEye发的开源的代码一致-Code of MBR infection, almost with eEye hair, open source code
- 鬼影感染MBR的源代码,内核,驱动,安全,逆向,病毒,*-鬼影感染MBR的源代码,内核,驱动,安全,逆向,病毒,* -Translate from: Chinese Allow phonetic typingType text or a website address or translate a document. Cancel Guǐ yǐng gǎnrǎn MBR de yuán dàimǎ, nèihé, qūdòng, ānquán, nìxiàng, bìngdú, mùmǎEn
- 破坏MBR下载者源码,发出来大家共享下,希望大家共同进步。-Download the source code, issued to share the hope that common progress.
- 一些对硬盘mbr的源代码,自己研究了很长时间,但是还是不太明白,希望对大家有用!-Some of the hard disk mbr source code, their own research for a long time, but still do not quite understand, and I hope useful!
- 一些对硬盘mbr的源代码,自己研究了很长时间,但是还是不太明白,希望对大家有用!-Some of the hard disk mbr source code, their own research for a long time, but still do not quite understand, and I hope useful!