- software microc with key..which one use by pic controller vaseed by mikroelektronika for programmming pic in c code which essy to learn and applied prictrically -software microc with key..which one use by pic controller vaseed by mikroelektronika
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- VR Stamp Speech Recoginition Tutorial - ReadPortIn (Using with VR Stamp development kit by mikroElektronika)-VR Stamp Speech Recoginition Tutorial- ReadPortIn (Using with VR Stamp development kit by mikroElektronika)
- VR Stamp Speech Recoginition Tutorial - ReadBitIn (Using with VR Stamp development kit by mikroElektronika)-VR Stamp Speech Recoginition Tutorial- ReadBitIn (Using with VR Stamp development kit by mikroElektronika)
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- mikroC, mikroElektronika C compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
- The Native C program for drive DB1820 thermo sensor and display it on HD4480 (KS0066) LCD Display with symbol synthesis. Use Mikro-C @ Mikroelektronika
- This a sample of Matrix raining code for Mikromedia for ARM by Mikroelektronika.-This is a sample of Matrix raining code for Mikromedia for ARM by Mikroelektronika.
- pROGRAMA EXAMPLE FOR USING WITH EASYPIC BOARD of the mikroelektronika and compiler mikroC