band-pass-filter 线性相位FIR带通滤波器
- 用MATLAB函数fir1设计一个具有如下指标的线性相位FIR带通滤波器:阻带截止频率为0.55pi 和0.85pi,通带截止频率为0.65pi和 0.75pi,最大通带衰减为0.2dB,最小阻带衰减为42dB。分别利用下面的窗函数来设计滤波器:汉宁窗、汉明窗、布莱克曼窗。对于每种情况,给出其冲激响应系数并画出设计的滤波器的幅频响应。-Designed with a MATLAB function with the following indicators fir1 linear phase F
- FIR滤波器设计中往往是线性相位,但不是最小相位,所以它的零点有部分在单位圆外。把单位圆外的零点映射到单位圆内,构成最小相位滤波器。-FIR filter design is often the linear phase, but it is not minimum phase, so it has some of the zeros outside the unit circle. To zero outside the unit circle is mapped to the unit ci
- Design a minimum phase lowpass fir filter
- 用窗函数法设计一个能对模拟信号进行滤波的线性相位FIR低通滤波器。抽样频率为 kHz,通带截止频率为 kHz,阻带截止频率为 kHz,要求阻带最小衰减 dB。为了降低运算量,所设计滤波器的阶数要尽可能的低-With the window method to design a filter to the analog signals of linear phase FIR low-pass filter. Sampling frequency is kHz, passband cutoff fre
- Bounded-Input Bounded-Output (BIBO) Stability: All poles of H(z) are inside the unit circle for a causal system (where h(n)=0, n< 0). • FIR Filter: N=0. • IIR Filter: N>0. • Minimum Phase: All poles and zeroes of H(z) a
- 盲辨识的模糊和多路冷杉完美的图像恢复 乔治·吉昂奈吉斯,研究员,美国,和罗伯特·希斯,小,成员,美国-Despite its practical importance in image processing and computer vision, blind blur identification and blind image restoration have so far been addressed under restrictive assumptions such a
- Design a linear phase minimum order FIR Band Stop filter to stop the frequency band 0.45π to 0.55π with atleast 60dB attenuation at the edges. Further -3dB frequencies are required to be at 0.3π and 0.7π. 1. Plot the frequency response of the psue
- In advanced TDMA mobile communications systems, reduced-state equalization algorithms have to be employed because high-level modulation is used in order to improve spectral efficiency. Such equalizers have only high performance, if the overal
- 基于SVPWM的三电平逆变的matlab仿真,FIR 底通和带通滤波器和IIR 底通和带通滤波器,外文资料里面的源代码,车牌识别定位程序的部分功能,虚拟力的无线传感网络覆盖,在matlab环境中自动识别连通区域的大小,连续相位调制信号(CPM)产生,最小均方误差(MMSE)的算法。- Based on SVPWM three-level inverter matlab simulation, Bottom-pass and band-pass FIR and IIR filter bottom