- 中国移动话费处理系统,中国移动主页上,查询到你的话费清单,把它复制粘贴到一个文本文件中就可以了。-China mobile tracker System, China mobile Home, inquiries to your list of calls, copy it and paste it into a text file on it.
- AR 增强虚拟现实,可以移植到到Windowsmobile手机Iphone Android平台的 tracker识别,可以配合 OpenGL Direct编写大型增强虚拟现实程序。-AR enhanced virtual reality, can be transplanted to the Windows Iphone Android mobile phone platform tracker identification, will be compatible with the OpenGL
- Lucas-Kanader-Tomasi Feature tracker,由运动恢复结构的问题,目的是从一组由摄像机移动获得的图像来恢复一个场景的立体结构。对于这个问题,C.Tomasi和T.Kanade[1]于1992年提出了一种Factorization的方法,可以有效地避免噪声的干扰,同时不会受限于特定的运动模型,例如单纯的平移或是旋转。-Lucas-Kanader-Tomasi Feature tracker, by the movement to restore the structu
- It is mobile tracker but i dont will it work for ur ce-It is mobile tracker but i dont will it work for ur cell
- Motion Tracking === === === This tarball contains all code required to run the tracking algorithm on a sequence of images. Run the file run_tracker.m in Matlab and follow the instructions. You will need to have a directory of sequentiall
- mobile remote tracker for WinCE
- 追踪定位的手机客户端程序,主要功能是与定位器进行通信(通过短信加GPRS的方式),将接收到的数据进行筛选修正后显示在地图上,且定位数据可以导入导出。-Track positioning mobile client program, the main function is to communicate with the locator (plus GPRS via SMS), will receive the data filter correction is displayed on the
- mobile Data State tracker extends Network State tracker Source Code for Andriod.
- GPS定位精度的测试和核心算法的介绍以及仿真介绍-Design and Test of a Precise mobile GPS tracker
- GG-tracker tracks your mobile using GSM Cell-location in combination with GPS. It uses both GPS and GSM networks to get a position. If only GSM is available it relies on location previously stored using a GPS receiver or the CellDB.org . This
- Paypal payment with gps tracker project is a mobile application which is implemented in Android platform. They are modification this project as per requirement s. Entity–relationship(er) diagrams,Data flow diagram(dfd),Sequence diagram and software r
- Tracking project Design Report... It tracks the employee mobile phone according to the company policy-Tracking project Design Report... It tracks the employee mobile phone according to the company policy...