- LINGO是用来求解线性和非线性优化问题的简易工具。LINGO内置了一种建立最优化模型的语言,可以简便地表达大规模问题,利用LINGO高效的求解器可快速求解并分析结果。-LINGO is used for linear and nonlinear optimization problems of simple tools. LINGO establish a built-in the most optimal model language, making it easy to express l
- HQP is a solver for nonlinearly constrained large-scale optimization. It is primarily intended for the optimization of dynamic systems. HQP is implemented as framework in C++. External model interfaces are provided for CUTE and Simulink S-function.
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
dea 方法中的CCR对偶模型
- 用matlab编程求解DEA方法中的CCR对偶模型-DEA with the matlab programming method for solving the CCR dual model
- ADAMS软件使用交互式图形环境和零件库、约束库、力库,创建完全参数化的机械系统几何模型,其求解器采用多刚体系统动力学理论中的拉格郎日方程方法-ADAMS software uses an interactive graphical environment, and part library, library binding, force libraries to create fully parametric geometric model of the mechanical system,
- 是一種線性方成的分類器。SVM透過統計的方式將雜亂的資料以NN的方式分成兩類,以便處理。LIBLINEAR is a linear classifier for data with millions of instances and features. It supports L2-regularized logistic regression (LR), L2-loss linear SVM, and L1-loss linear SVM. -Main features of LIBLINEA
- HQP is a solver for nonlinearly constrained large-scale optimization. It is intended for problems with sufficient regular sparsity structure. Such optimization problems arise e.g. from the numerical treatment of optimal control problems. External int
- 为了获得更加准确的估计位置,对一种基于数据融合的定位解算算法进行了研究,在将模拟退火算法与经典的泰勒级数展开法和Chan氏算法进行性能比较的基础上,将模拟退火算法与上述两种经典的位置解算算法相结合,通过构造多算法协同定位模型,并基于该模型设计了融合定位算法,对传统定位解算算法进行改进,提出了一种基于数据融合的定位解算算法。仿真结果表明,融合算法的定位精度优于非融合算法且运算量较小-In order to obtain more accurate estimates of the location
- This simulink model simulates the damped driven pendulum, showing it s chaotic motion. theta = angle of pendulum omega = (d/dt)theta = angular velocity Gamma(t) = gcos(phi) = Force omega_d = (d/dt) phi Gamma(t) = (d/dt)omega + omega/Q
- 这是计算EGM96模型得到输入坐标的重力位信息的程序,可以达到高精度解算。-This is to calculate the coordinates of EGM96 gravity model are input bits of information program, can achieve high-precision solver.
- This is a simple thing to do if you are willing to use a piecewise linear interpolant. More difficult is when the curve is a parametric spline or pchip model. The interparc.m function uses an ode solver to integrate the distance along the curve itsel
- 2D elastoplasticity solver for a time dependent two-yied model, which generalizes a classical model of linear kinematic hardening and features a hysteresis behaviour. -2D elastoplasticity solver for a time dependent two-yied model, which generalizes
- LINGO是用来求解线性和非线性优化问题的简易工具。LINGO内置了一种建立最优化模型的语言,可以简便地表达大规模问题,利用LINGO高效的求解器可快速求解并分析结果。-LINGO is used to solve linear and nonlinear optimization problems simple tools. LINGO built an optimization model to establish the language, you can easily express
- ADAMS软件使用交互式图形环境和零件库、约束库、力库,创建完全参数化的机械系统几何模型,其求解器采用多刚体系统动力学理论中的拉格郎日方程方法,建立系统动力学方程,对虚拟机械系统进行静力学、运动学和动力学分析,输出位移、速度、加速度和反作用力曲线。-ADAMS software uses an interactive graphical environment, and part library, library binding, force libraries to create fully
- finite element method solver of a vibrating beam model
- 求解PW方程的solver,能够求解多参数情形下的PW方程-Solving PW equation solver, PW equation can be solved for the case of multi-parameter
- 地球高程模型解算,地球个特殊部分重力异常计算-Earth elevation model solver Earth a special part of the gravity anomaly calculated
- 整体最小二乘法的应用,包括多项式法解算整体最小二乘模型,中心法解算模型-Total least squares applications, including the overall least squares polynomial solver model calculation model central France
- 数据包络分析算法模型,DEA-Solver Pro v5-Data Envelopment Analysis Model
VOF model solver
- VOF模型的源代码,可用于与多相流仿真。(Source code of the VOF CFD model, it is very valuable in multi-phase flow simulation.)