- 为提升测量精度、方便数据传输管理, 设计并实现了以S3C44B0 处理器作为控制核心, CS5460 作为计量器件, 通过 USB 接口与上位机实现数据通讯的新型电能量测试系统 重点讨论了USB 接口程序的结构与实现。实践证明系统具有广 泛的适应范围。-In order to make the electric monitor sys tem have improved accuracy of measurement,convenient data transmis s ion,and conv
- usb端口管理程序,可以监控usb口使用情况并控制接入设备的数据,usb port management procedures to monitor the use of usb port and control access to equipment data
- 使用usb过滤驱动配合应用程序监听usb数据的小工具-use usb filter driver to monitor the data on usb
- arm-linux平台的视频监控程序,usb摄像头采集视频,opencv图像处理,gsm dtu无线数据发送-arm-linux platform, video monitor, usb camera capture video, opencv image processing, gsm dtu wireless data transmission
- 一个USB调试的超好工具,它可以监控所有USB或串口设备的通讯数据及情况-A super-good USB debugging tool, it can monitor all USB or serial data communication equipment and conditions
- C8051F021的便携式心电监视仪。本文介绍了一种单片机控制系统。用液晶显示模块显示结果,用Flash存储记录,USB接口进行大量数据上传,并设计了一套心电识别算法,对心电信号异变实行检测和报警。-C8051F021 portable ECG Monitor. In this paper, a single-chip microcomputer control system. LCD display module display the results recorded using Flash
- 485轉usb之人機介面,使用者可透過使介面監控485介面上之資料訊息是否正確-485 to usb interface of the user interface monitor 485 through the interface of the data message is correct
- 基于USB数据采集便携式心电监护仪的设计-The design of the portable ECG monitor based USB data acquisition
- 1.IR读码器,RF 数据模拟器,解码,波形测量等。 2.采用USB HID协议采集数据,无需驱动,即插即用。 3.专业的红外解码库,可以解市场上80 以上红外码。 4.使用sonix sn8f2271作为采集器控制器,配合本人开发的遥控器套件,具有键盘,鼠标功能,还可以模拟2.4G通讯数据。-1.IR code reader, RF data simulator, decoding, and waveform measurements. 2.use USB HID protocol
- 基于USB芯片CY7C68013A的上位机C++程序。该程序结合相应的CY7C68013固件程序配合使用可以完成PC/Laptop与其他硬件设备通过USB协议完成数据通讯。该程序已经编译并成功在硬件平台上完成数据采集的测试。-The C++ project for USB UP-Monitor function based on CY7C68013 chip. It has been proven in hardware platform and realize the correct USB
- 基于3G网络的车载视频监控终端实现.pdf 为了加强客运服务中心对长途车辆在客运途中的监管,文章提出了基于3G 网络的车辆定位和视频监控终 端,此终端采用基于ARM 处理器和ARMLINUX 嵌入式系统的平台,通过USB 摄像头获取车辆内部视频信息,由 GPS 接收机获取定位信息,最后通过3G 无线模块将监控数据实时的发送到监控服务中心,供工作人员监控和决 策之用。-Car video surveillance terminal based on 3G network.
- 串口通信,收发数据,选择com口及设置波特率。-This requires Visual Studio 2010 to compile, which can be obtained free via C# Express. It is just a simple little application with basic support for text or binary (hex) modes to send and receive data. A nice feature or two
- 设备端与Pc端进行COM、USB通信,调试监控工具-Device to PC,Usb,RS232,Uart Data monitor
- 调试usb通信的工具。用起来很方便,也可以监测串口的数据-Debugging tools usb communication. Is easy to use, you can monitor the serial data
- android进行简单的2D动画效果,因为时间比较紧,我比较需要的Java监控USB方面的资料,暂时先上传比较简单的android,以后会为大家上传一些THREE.js方面动画- android simple 2D animation, because time is tight, I monitor USB data Java s comparative need, being the first to upload a relatively simple android, later w
- 用于学习USB通信,可以实时监控USB的通信状态与数据(For learning USB communication, it can monitor the communication status and data of USB in real time)
USB_HID_上位机 vc++
- 打开指定ID的USB设备,监视USB设备读、写或控制数据(Open the USB device for the specified ID and monitor the USB device to read, write, or control the data)
- USB监视工具 可以检测USB通讯数据 方便好用(USB monitoring tool can detect USB communication data, which is convenient and easy to use)