- ADXL330的中文资料,3轴加速,工作效率很高,可测各个方向的速度-The ADXL330 is a small, thin, low power, complete three axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs, all on a single monolithic IC. The product measures acceleration with a minimum full-scale range of
- Sensing and planning are at the core of robot motion. Traditionally, mobile robots have been used for performing various tasks with a general-purpose processor on-board. This book grew out of our research enquiry into alternate architectures fo
- Motion Based Bird Sensing Using Frame Differencing and Gaussian Mixture
- 今天有个公司说需要动作感应的几个小游戏!也接触android很久了,但是以前没有看过关于动作感应技术的教程,到google上也没搜索到类似教程!只有自己看API了,加上就其他平台的动作感应试试吧!就在这里记录下收获吧!-Android realization of the motion sensing technology tutorial
- 机器人学的研究推动了许多人工智能思想的发展,有一些技术可在人工智能研究中用来建立世界状态的模型和描述世界状态变化的过程。关于机器人动作规划生成和规划监督执行等问题的研究,推动了规划方法的发展。此外由于机器人是一个综合性的课题,除机械手和步行机构外,还要研究机器视觉触觉听觉等信感技术,以及机器人语言和智能控制软件等。可以看出这是一个设计精密机械信息传感技术人工智能方法智能控制以及生物工程等学科的综合技术。-Robotics research to promote the development o
- 创建有用的设备,充满了的乐趣,这个快速入门指南将帮助你用三轴加速度计建立你自己的动作感应游戏控制器。然后,您将用Arduino和一些便宜的部件为您的电视机或Mac创建一个通用遥控器。 Arduino是一个完美的平台,通过它建立网络设备 - 您将学习如何将它连接到互联网和客户端程序和服务器应用程序。在一个动手项目上,你会建立你自己的防盗报警器,每当有人进你的起居室就更新你的Twitter回馈。其他项目会告诉你如何将任天堂的Wii Nunchuk融入您的项目。 贯穿全书的侧边栏指引你到令
- 有1、2、3、4个数字,能组成多少个互不相同且无重复数字的三位数?都是多少? 1.程序分析:可填在百位、十位、个位的数字都是1、2、3、4。组成所有的排列后再去 掉不满足条件的排列。 -A host of companies are looking to shake-up the ways we interact with computers. Using new motion sensing technology they aim for users to replace typing and
- 人体运动参数检测是生成人体运动计算机仿真演示和控制拟人机器人运动的主要手段。近年来针对这 种检测方法国内外研究人员展开了广泛的研究。本文介绍了基于模型的人体运动参数检测方法的研究现状, 为人 体仿生学和拟人机器人等领域的科学研究提供依据-Mea sur e for huma n mo tio n par ameter s is a main method to g ener ate computer simulatio n o f human mot ion and t o co n
- 一篇关于压缩感知的运动感知译码算法,将YUV视频进行压缩感知采样,然后传输至译码端,并采用LASSO算法对其进行重构的文章。-A motion perception on compressed sensing decoding algorithm, the YUV video compression sensing sampling, and then transmitted to the decoder side, using LASSO algorithm to reconstruct th
- 基于运动补偿的压缩感知图像重构算法,这里采用分块重构的思想提高了重构的效率-Image reconstruction algorithm based on compressed sensing motion compensation
- 基于运动补偿的压缩感知平滑投影算法,能较好地改善视频序列的重建质量,提高重建速度。-Motion compensation based on compressed sensing smooth projection algorithm can better improve the quality of the reconstructed video sequence to improve the reconstruction speed
- ADNS-3080 测试例程based on: Example of AP_OpticalFlow library by Randy Mackay. DIYDrones.com-The ADNS-3080 is a high performance addition to Avago Technologies’ popular ADNS family of optical mouse sensors. The ADNS-3080 is based on a new, faste
- 本文首先研究了ISAR成像的基本原理,在理想转台模型的基础上对距离-多普勒(R-D)成像算法做了分析,对目前常用的运动补偿技术进行了对比和研究,并将这些技术用于雅克-42飞机的实测数据中。然后,论文系统地论述了压缩感知主体理论,重点对信号重构中的基追踪(BP)算法和正交匹配追踪(OMP)算法进行了深入的研究和讨论,并通过正弦信号的仿真结果验证了两种方法的有效性。-Firstly, the basic principle of ISAR imaging study, based on an ide
- ecent advances in electrical engineering and computer science, esp ecially in micro- electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and op erating system theory, have made wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies an imp
- In this simple project, we’ll build a motion-sensing arduino alarm using a PIR (passive infrared) sensor and an Arduino microcontroller. This is a great way to learn the basics of using digital input ( the sensor) and output (in this case, to a noisy
rfid materials
- Motion detect any thing was movement in the night time and control alarm or lighting.
- Visual motion estimation is a computationally intensive, but important task for sighted animals. Replicating the robustness and efficiency of biological visual motion estimation in artificial systems would significantly enhance the capabilities of