- 这个是一个3D的人体跟踪软件,基于MATLAB,四个摄像机multi view tracking-this is a 3D human tracking software, based on MATLAB. four multi camera view tracking
- 关于多视图几何的讲义,对于从事机器视觉,尤其是摄像机标定动作的同志有帮助。-on multi-view geometry lectures, in machine vision, in particular the movement of the camera calibration comrades help.
- 基于稀疏表示的inpaint去水印,部分代码,请安装sparse toolbox....欢迎下载-Camera self-calibration matlab source code, documentation and multi-view geometry ~ ~ and welcome to download the package ....
- OpenCV和MFC结合多线程工作,显示摄像头捕获的视频。-OpenCV and MFC work combined with multi-threading, showing a video camera to capture.
- 简单的多视图界面调用,实现了部分短信功能,实现了相机的完整功能,注,模拟器不能运行相机程序-A simple multi-view interface is called to achieve some of the text-messaging capabilities and realize the full functionality of the camera, note, simulators can not run the camera program
- it s a open cv code for using multi camera. the program helps to control more than one cameras and create multi frame to view the different scense from various cameras
- 本文提出了一种新的车辆许可证盘子识别,并在此基础上提出了一种自适应图像分割方法-In this paper, a new algorithm for vehicle license plate identification is proposed, on the basis of a novel adaptive image segmentation technique (Sliding Windows) in conjunction with a character recogni
- symbian源码,包括symbian各种基本用法与实用引擎,包括UI编辑,socket编程,摄像头引擎,多视图等功能的实现,很好的学习symbian开发的资料-symbian source code, including the use of various basic and practical symbian engine, including the UI editor, socket programming, camera engine, multi-view features suc
- 智能视频监控是利用计算机视觉技术对摄像机采集的视频数据进 行分析、理解,并以此为基础对视频监控系统进行控制。由于单个摄 像机都视野域有限,监控大范围场景时需要使用多摄像机系统。智能 视频跟踪系统中多个摄像机的使用有利于解决遮挡问题,场景混乱、 环境光照突变情况下的运动目标跟踪等问题。 而且基于多摄像机的视 频跟踪在高级人机交互、视频会议、医疗诊断以及基于内容的存储与 检索等方面有广泛的应用前景和潜在的经济价值-Intelligent video surveillance
- 本文中我们提出一个新颖的算法分析和 估计深度从单个图像捕捉到一个编码的孔径 相机。这是一个具有挑战性的问题,需要 新的工具和调查,而多视点重建。 -In this paper we present analysis and a novel algorithm to estimate depth from a single image captured by a coded aperture camera. This is a challenging problem whi
- As PTZ (Pan–Tilt–Zoom) cam-eras are able to obtain multi-view-angle and multi-resolution information, they have received more and more concern in both research and real application. Stereo vision using dual-PTZ-camera system, com-pared with using d
- hartley计算机视觉中,利用对极几何和极线原理,求取图像之间的匹配,实现摄像机自标定,里面有对应的pdf文件原理说明-Hartley s Computer Vision in the multi-view geometry program, contact the three-dimensional reconstruction of the pole geometry and take pole lines, and camera self-calibration, which has
- • Many people ask me how to generate .txt files or estimate camera parameters. PMVS is a multi-view stereo software and you should prepare .txt files by yourself. Bundler by Noah Snavely is a very good software to automatically estimate camera p
- • Many people ask me how to generate .txt files or estimate camera parameters. PMVS is a multi-view stereo software and you should prepare .txt files by yourself. Bundler by Noah Snavely is a very good software to automatically estimate camera p
- automatic mosaicing of multi-view images from single camera at different angle
- A multi-view image rectification algorithm for matrix camera arrangement
- 主要功能: 1.多用户注册各自使用,互不干予。 2.在自己的空间中创建多个相册,并上传多照片进行在线查看管理。 3.相册共享权限可设好友、所有人、指定人,并可指定共享类别、查看密码。 4.强大的相册及照片搜索功能,可按各种属性进行复合查找。 5.照片打印、设为封面、设为用户头像等多种操作。 6.在线大头贴拍照功能,并有数十种相框可供选择。-1. Multi-user registration each use, I quit each other. 2. Create
- 多视几何摄像头重建,恢复摄像机外参数,epfl大学做的-multi view camera computing,An Accurate O(n) Solution to the PnP Problem
- 监控软件,用于云台摄像机的应用,多画面查看图像(monitoring software Application of PTZ camera Multi view images)
- COLMAP开源源码 COLMAP是一种通用的动态结构(SfM)和多视图立体声(MVS)管道,具有图形和命令行界面。可以方便的对一系列二维图片进行三维重建不用对摄像机进行标定,只需要从不同角度对重建场景或物体进行拍摄得到一系列图像作为输入。(Colmap open source COLMAP is a general-purpose Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) pipeline with a graphical