- 摘要:J2ME是SUN公司最新推出的面向嵌入式产品的JAVA,目前市场上刚刚推出采用J2ME工具开发的手机和PDA产品,本文介绍了J2ME的特点和技术,分析了J2ME将来的应用以及当前J2ME开发未来信息终端的技术。 关键词:JAVA;虚拟机;J2ME;信息终端 -Abstract : J2ME is Sun's new products for embedded Java, currently on the market just released J2ME tool dev
- 一款WAP浏览器的J2ME源码,提供给新手参考学习-A WAP browser source code of J2ME to provide a reference to the new learning
- 新功能坦克大战,可以自由随意地控制移动射击-Tankedaizhan new features, you can control the free-moving fire
- Java j2me写的一款手机飞行游戏,思路简单可以供新手研究学习。-Written in Java j2me flying a cell phone game can be simple ideas for new research study.
- This Java tip implements Zoom in and zoom out feature on an Image (Image Zoomer). This tip may help game developers to add various new kinds of appearances in games. This may also be useful for customized J2ME applications developed for mobile handse
- 随嚣无线遵髂技未酶笨断发展和提高,在pe枢上完成砖耪流信息管理系挠在耪滤佥瘦提睡璇务的过程孛隈甓了信息交流转鼹 簿谴。基节髂麓艺翡java手瓿{睾秀羌践姥端设备兵有蘸身薅带酶方硬穰;嚣毙把J2ME技誊瘦耀于耪流信息扰建设中更是一种全新的蕊 路。基于J2ME的物流信息管理系统能太大提高物流企业的置作效率。-Iliac compliance with the noise of wireless technology is not stupid fault enzyme development
- JAVA版的贪吃蛇游戏,严格来说是J2ME的贪吃蛇,基于CLDC1.1版本,画面没怎么美化,不过程序内核加入了新的思路,还是值得看一下的。-JAVA version of Snake game, strictly speaking, the Snake is a J2ME-based CLDC1.1 version, how did the screen landscaping, but the procedures for the kernel by adding a new idea, it
- 一个用来调用CGI脚本的例子,是一个简单但是经典的MIDlet示例。-An example MIDlet to invoke a CGI scr ipt (GET method),Learning Wireless Java Help for New J2ME Developers By Qusay Mahmoud */ import java.io.* import javax.microedition.io.* import javax.microed
- Sung公司推出的LWUIT文档,J2ME新的UI控件LWUIT。LWUIT是一个轻量级JavaME UI工具包。主要的特性包括:类似Swing 的MVC架构,支持多种布局(Layouts),皮肤更换,字体,触摸屏,动画效果,Rich控件,3D集成,Painter,模式对画框,I18N/L10N等。-Sung launched the LWUIT documents, J2ME new UI controls LWUIT. LWUIT is a lightweight JavaME UI Too
- This book describes how to program mobile telephones, pagers, PDAs, and other small devices using Java technology. It is about the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), which is part of the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME). It is conci
- j2me 帮助文档,j2me java初学者的必备文档。-j2me help document,j2me java new proggramer is neccesary document.
- this book guide to new devloper that how to devlop java mobile application
- This book is about programming with J2ME on wireless devices with focus on developing games. It is assumed you have some knowledge and programming experience with J2ME and J2SE. The book does not go into detail on topics like how to make high level G
- j2SE,J2ME,J2EE,Android,java范围技术交流,iso shsh文件备份和直接通过浏览器下载iphone游戏和或者软件包 ios在解锁或者备份shsh文件时,从手机里获取的plist文件是打不开的,我们可以通过java转成xml或者可以打的plist。shsh文件备份, import java.io.* import com.dd.plist.PropertyListParser public class P