embedded system paper1
- 介绍几种cpuThe 8xC251SA/SB/SP/SQ improves on the MCS-51 architecture and peripheral features, introducing the advanced register based CPU architecture i.e., the MCS 251 microcontroller architecture. The register based CPU supports a 40-byte register file
- 分数阶pid控制器、最新参考文献,工业上新型控制器,文献包含控制器的设计、性能分析、工业应用现状、控制器参数整定方法。是目前研究与应用的热点-Fractional pid controller, the latest references, industry new controller, the literature contains the controller design, performance analysis, industrial application status, the
- 非常全面的自平衡小车制作全套资料,包括硬件PCB,软件源代码,上位机软件代码,器件DATASHEET 等。 建模、控制算法及PD调节的取值参考: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/19147-nxtway-gs-self-balancing-two-wheeled-robot-controller-design 硬件及软件参考如下网站资料; http://www.circuitcellar.c
- NEW!! 交通灯实验报告 全面-NEW! ! Experimental report provides a comprehensive traffic lights
- 模拟人的思维特点,提出一种新型智能控制器:仿人逻辑预测控制器. 该控制器融合了基于泛布尔代数的逻辑控制器和基于模型的预测控制器的特点, 是一种多值逻辑混合动态系统. Matlab仿真表明, 该控制器在模型匹配时性能良好, 在模型失配时依然能满意运行, 表现出鲁棒性强, 超调量小的特点. 与其它类型人工智能控制器相比, 该控制器结构简单, 物理背景明确, 数学概念清晰, 便于在工业控制领域推广应用.-Simulation of the characteristics of people' s
- 一种新型的智能控制器,分为定值控制和伺服控制两种情况,通过与PID控制的比较可以发现此新型智能控制器的优点。-A new type of intelligent controllers, will be divided into control and servo control value both cases, by comparison with the PID control can be found in this new type of intelligent controller
- Stepper Motor & Device Controller
- 引言 随着单片机的不断推陈出新,特别是高性价比的单片机的涌现,转速测量控制普遍采用了以单片机为核心的数字化、智能化的系统。本文介绍了一种由单片机C8051F060作为主控制器,使用霍尔传感器进行测量的直流电机转速测量系统。 -With the constant introduction of new single-chip, in particular, cost-effective single-chip microcomputer of the emergence of spe
- In this paper it is studied the modeling and control of a robotic bird. The results are positive for the design and construction of flying robots and a new generation of airplanes developed to the similarity of flying animals. The development of comp
- PID Controller Design and Tuning with MATLAB and Simulink-This demo file shows new capabilities for PID Controller design and tuning in MATLAB and Simullink
- 理财管理系统, ◇用户管理--登录,注册,删除用户,密码修改,注销 ◇账户管理--新建账户,修改账户,删除账户 ◇账目管理--新建账目,修改账目,删除账目 ◇资金统计--统计界面 ◇账目明细--账目操作界面 ◇分析统计--分析统计界面-Financial management system, ◇ User Management- Login, registration, delete users, passwords, modify, cancel ◇ Accoun
- 提出了一种基于遗传算法和小波神经网络的 PI 参数整定方法。首先 ,利用具有自然进化的遗传算法对小波神经网络的初始权值进行优化训练 ,解决了控制器网络初始权系数对控制效果产生的影响 其次 ,利用小波神经网络对PID参数进行在线调节 最后将此算法运用到电机控制系统的 P I D参数寻优中。-A new-type controller based on genetic algorithm andwavelet neural net work was presented.The genetic alg
- This program implements the indirect neural controller for the surge tank example.
- speed controller using 8051
- Experiment no. 1 Control of a four-level elevator system using a programmable logic controller
- this files to use ADC in proteus for AVR micro controller-this is files to use ADC in proteus for AVR micro controller
- 智能型电容器设备说明书。针对无功补偿电力设备,提出了一种新型的解决方法-Intelligent capacitor equipment specifications. Electrical equipment for reactive power compensation, proposed a new solution
- it is a uart echo byte programme in stellaris micro controller.. it will display the charectrer which is typed serially-it is a uart echo byte programme in stellaris micro controller.. it will display the charectrer which is typed serially..
- sliding mode:In this project, a sliding mode controller is designed to a linear plant with non-linear dis- turbances. The performance of the designed controller is then veried via simulation using MATLAB and Simulink. Then, the sign function in
Fyzzy logic controller
- 模糊逻辑控制器的谐波最小化。出现了给用户提供优质电能的问题。这是由于网络中非线性负载的增加,构成了电网的谐波污染源,产生了许多干扰,干扰了电气设备的优化运行。本文提出了消除非线性负载引入的谐波的解决方案。利用Matlab Simulink对有源电力滤波器(APF)在稳态和暂态过程中对非线性负载产生的谐波和无功功率进行了补偿和分析。仿真方法对有源电力滤波器的实用性得到了证明,利用MATLAB SIMULINK具有更好的电能质量洞察力,以开发基于有源电力滤波器的新型模糊逻辑控制器(This is d