- 图像的平滑滤波。通过平滑线性滤波器和中值滤波两种方法对噪声污染的图像进行净化。,Image smoothing filter.By smoothing the linear filters and median filter for noise pollution are two ways to purify the image.
- 数字图像处理中的平滑和锐化(边缘检测)。包括1、添加椒盐、高斯噪声。2对噪声污染的图像分别使用邻域平均法、中值滤波法、K邻近平均法进行平滑。3对一幅图像利用Roberts梯度法、Sobel算子和拉普拉斯算子进行锐化,并比较结果。附处理源图像和处理结果截图。 -Digital image processing smoothing and sharpening (edge detection). Including 1, add salt and pepper, Gaussian noise.
- 用VC实现的图像平滑处理,包括噪声的添加,邻域均值滤波,中值滤波等-The realization of the image smooth processing , including noise to add, neighborhood average filtering and median filtering
- 添加噪声与平滑降噪,平滑降噪可采用定制的模板做滤波运算(就是卷积运算)来获得中心像素的新值,也可以对指定大小的邻域进行某些运算作为中心像素的新值.-Add noise and smooth noise reduction, smoothing noise reduction can be customized templates so filtering operation (that is convolution operation) to receive the new pixel valu
- 领域平均滤波与中值滤波,Matlab6.5实现的.m文件,附有原图、椒盐噪声图、高斯噪声图和处理过的图的效果比较。-The area of average filtering and median filtering, Matlab6.5 of implementation. M files with artwork, Salt and Pepper Noise Figure, Gaussian noise maps and plans of treatment have been more e
- 用Java Application实现对图像平滑处理,减少噪声-Java Application with the realization of the image smoothing to reduce noise
- 平滑处理:对图像进行平滑处理,滤除噪声的影响。-Smoothing: smoothing the image processing, filtering noise.
- 对灰度图像进行平滑 可有效去除图像中包含的噪声-Pairs of gray-scale image smoothing can effectively remove the noise contained in the image
- 对摄像头采集数字图像进行平滑处理,减少噪声对数字图像的干扰-The camera capture digital image smoothing to reduce noise on the interference of digital images
- 功能是实现图象的平滑(去噪声),锐化 命令行编译过程如下 vcvars32 rc bmp.rc cl smooth.c bmp.res user32.lib gdi32.lib 注意事项: 运行时,文件c:\test.bmp必须存在-Function is to achieve a smooth images (to noise), Sharpen command-line compiler as follows vcvars32 rc bmp.rc cl s
- Smooth-Music ,Direction of Arrival Estimation In a communication situation, assuming flat fading,there may be multipath components from many directions. These components would be correlated with each other. Correlated components reduce the rank of
- 对一幅图像进行加噪声!例如:高斯噪声、椒盐噪声等等!-On an image plus noise! For example: Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, and more!
- Canny 算子 是一个具有滤波、增强和检测的多阶段的优化算子。在进行处理前,Canny 算子先利用高斯平滑滤波器来平滑图像以除去噪声( 即用高斯平滑滤波器与图像作卷积) 。-Canny operator is a filtering, enhancement and optimization of multi-stage detection operator. Before treatment, Canny operator first use Gaussian smoothing fi
CDraw Application
- 自定义一元n次函数,根据定义的函数及其值域绘制曲线,并且对已知曲线进行多种运算,例如:求导,微分,曲率,去杂点,平滑等等。-N times one dollar custom function, by definition, the function and range of drawing curves, and a variety of computing known curve, for example: derivation, derivative, curvature, to the
- 对整幅图片做PCA变换,提取光谱特征,消除噪声,平滑边缘,易主成分重新绘制图像-Pictures do the whole PCA transform, extract spectral features, remove noise, smooth edges, easy to re-draw the image principal component
- 使用C#语言实现图形平滑处理的各种算法。例如噪声模型,高斯滤波,灰度均值等等。-C# language using graphical smoothing of various algorithms. For example, noise model, Gaussian filtering, gray value and so on.
- 实现对图像的高斯平滑。先对图像进行加噪,噪声可选;然后对图像进行高斯平滑处理,模板可选;最后可实现图像的保存。-Gaussian smoothing over the images. First the image with noise, noise optional then Gaussian smoothed image, template optional final image is saved can be achieved.
- 噪声模型 均值与中值 灰度形态学 小波变换 高期滤波 统计方法-Noise model mean and median gray-scale morphological filtering stage wavelet transform high statistical methods
- 包含各种噪声模型,均值和中值过滤、灰度形态学、小波变换、高斯滤波、统计方法滤波。-Includes a variety of noise models, the mean and median filtering, grayscale morphology, wavelet transform, Gaussian filtering, statistical filtering.
- 1. 用 butterworth和理想低通滤波器对受椒盐噪声和高斯噪声污染的图像进行平滑处理, 计算平滑前后的PSNR(峰值信噪比). 2. 用 3x3邻域平均平滑和3x3中值滤波对受椒盐噪声和高斯噪声污染的图像进行平滑处理, 计算平滑前后的PSNR(峰值信噪比). 3. 用 roberts算子和Laplace算子对一图像进行锐化处理, 得到其边缘二值图像.-Salt and pepper noise and Gaussian noise images with butterworth