- VB依托Windows文鼎字体做的咬格子小游戏,由7×5方格组成,该游戏由7×5的方格组成,游戏者和电脑轮流“咬掉”方格,“咬掉”最后一个方格者为败方。鼠标单击可选中相应的格子,在格子上双击鼠标可“咬掉”包括以对应格子为顶点的之上、之右的所有格子。注意,运行游戏前你需要保证你系统中的文鼎字体没有被卸载,否则游戏无法运行。 -VB relying on Windows Arphic fonts do bite grid game, from 7 × 5 squares composed of
- InterPSS为基于开源平台开发的新一代电力系统分析软件,并且结合了强大的基于Gridgain网格计算,能够为复杂电力系统仿真计算提供帮助-InterPSS ,based on open-source platform , is a new generation electric power system analysis software, combined with a powerful grid computing based on Gridgain ,can complete off
- 在卡尔波利可持续力电机资源(超)项目正在开发太阳能直流配电系统设计的智能服务,几乎任何可能由一个离网的家庭需要负荷-At Cal Poly Sustainable Power motor resources (super) project is the development of solar DC power distribution system design, intelligent service, almost any possible off-grid home by a need
- 基于DSP系统的光伏并网发电论文:光伏电池发电有离网和并网两种工作方式。-DSP-based system of photovoltaic power generation thesis: there are off-grid PV power generation and grid are two ways of working.
- Matlab 向量绘图工具,可应用于向量计算模拟,地图绘制,标尺选定。-This function is a substitute for the standard versions of quiver and quiverm available using a vanilla release of matlab. This version assumes a 2D vector field is being plotted using a gridded flow field from a n
- User options The Options form enables users to reset the high scores and turn sound on and off. Help The application includes a compiled Help project. The compiled Help is accessed through the Help menu item. Mouse The mouse is used not
- HOMER(Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable,可再生能源互补发电优化建模)。HOMER是一个计算机模型,它简化了离网和并网对于远程的、独立的和分布式发电系统的评估选择的任务。HOMER优化和灵敏度分析算法,可以用来评估系统的经济性和技术选择的可行性,以及考虑技术成本的变化和能源资源的可用性。-HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable, renewable ener
- 微电网仿真分析,离网的下垂控制系统,实现离网的切换仿真,根据西南交大的一篇硕士论文仿真,可以运行的。-Microgrid simulation analysis, off-grid droop control system, the simulation is switched off grid, according to the Southwest Jiaotong University in a master s thesis simulation can be run.
- Design of Intelligent Solar Power System Using PSO Based MPPT with Automatic Switching between ON grid and OFF Grid Connections
- 离网光伏发电系统仿真 光伏电池 Boost电路 逆变-Off-grid PV power system simulation Boost circuit photovoltaic inverter
- 一开始方格内会随机出现2这个小数字,每次可以选择上下左右其中一个方向去滑动,每滑动一次,所有的数字方块都会往滑动的方向靠拢外,系统也会在空白的地方乱数出现一个数字2或4方块,出现2的概率是出现4的概率的3倍,相同数字的方块在靠拢、相撞时会相加。系统给予的数字方块不是2就是4,玩家要想办法在这小小的16格范围中凑出“2048”这个数字方块。断的叠加最终拼凑出2048这个数字就算成功通关。当所有16格数字已满,无法叠加,且没有出现2048这个数字则算游戏失败。-Will randomly appea
- 基于Laplacian Matrix的图像扩散计算及动画演示程序-This GIF shows the progression of diffusion, as solved by the graph laplacian technique. A graph is constructed over a grid, where each pixel in the graph is connected to its 8 bordering pixels. Values in the image th
- 这是一个单相离网逆变器双闭环控制,基于dq坐标系下采用电压外环和电流内环的方法对其进行稳定性控制。-This is a single-phase off-grid inverter double closed-loop control, based on the dq coordinate system using the voltage outside the ring and the current inner ring method for its stability control.
- 这是一个三相离网逆变器双闭环控制,基于dq坐标系下采用电压外环和电流内环的方法对其进行稳定性控制。-This is a three-phase off-grid inverter double closed-loop control, based on the dq coordinate system using the voltage outside the ring and the current inner ring method for its stability control.
- 文章研究了一种模块化的小型光伏离网储能发电系统,该模块化光伏离网储能系统建成后用于偏远山区(This article studies a modular small-scale photovoltaic off-grid energy storage power generation system. This modular photovoltaic off-grid energy storage system is used in remote mountainous regions afte
- 搭建的独立型光伏发电系统,包括光伏电池模型,MPPT算法和蓄电池的充放电控制,三相离网逆变器的Vf控制。(The independent photovoltaic power generation system consists of photovoltaic cell model, MPPT algorithm and battery charging and discharging control, Vf control of three-phase off-grid inverter.)