- 利用OpenGL函数库,在C++Builder环境下实现三位地形的仿真显示,实现了对地图的放大,缩小,旋转,移动等操作,对不同的高程使用不同的颜色加以标记没,并增加了光照效果,使显示更逼真!-use OpenGL libraries, the C Builder environment under three terrain simulation showed that the realization of the right of the map to zoom, rotate, such a
- 在Windows平台利用OpenGL,进行贴图操作,产生一个立方体盒子,并且控制其旋转,并加入相应的光照-the Windows platform using OpenGL, map functional, a cubic box, and control of their rotation, and accordingly the light
- openGL,VC++6.0 下须先安装glut包 这个程序适合于刚刚接触openGL的人,里面包含光照的使用,法线,实体绘制,纹理生成与贴图,以及贴图模型-openGL. VC 6.0 must install glut packets suitable for the procedure at the just contact the Open GL, which contains the use of light, normal, solid rendering, texture an
- 金子塔群的模拟图,有光线变化,简单人机交付.使用了雾效,纹理,混合等.-gold Groups simulated map, the light changes, the simple man-machine delivery. Use the fog effect, texture, such as mixed.
- 关于OpenGL的源码. Our goal:1. You generate a large cube, and map the sky texture in five faces except the floor face. 2. The viewing is freely moved inside the cube. You can exploit the keyboard or mouse handle. 3. The light is located in the cube.
- 使用OpenGL载入纹理,并在旋转的物体上贴图并打上光线以及混色(透明)处理。在3D场景中移动位图,并去除位图上的黑色象素(使用混色),着为黑白纹理上色。,The use of OpenGL texture loading, and rotating objects in the map and marked with light and color (transparent) to deal with. Mobile 3D scene in the bitmap and bitmaps to
- 本文档实现opengl的纹理贴图,光照,摄像机漫游,含有随机球和迷宫,含有三种物体贴图,三种光源的切换-This document realize opengl texture map, illumination, camera roaming, has random ball and maze, contains three kinds of object map, three of the light switch
- 将两张图片叠加来显示出效果,对于OPENGL的研究有借鉴意义-Photos will be two superimposed to show the effect of, for OPENGL research have referential significance
- 使用MFC和opengl绘制三维图行 实现鼠标和键盘控制 以及纹理和光照变换-Using MFC and opengl draw line to achieve three-dimensional map mouse and keyboard control, and change the texture and light
- 本文就怎么利用vb结合opengl来研发三维地质构造图的基本步骤进行了周详地介绍,其中对像素格式的设定及光照和材质的设置进行了周详的描述。-This article on how to use vb to develop three-dimensional combination of opengl geological map of the basic steps to carry out a very thorough introduction, which set the pixel fo
- 利用Qt和OpenGl实现三维空间中移动位图以及如任何在旋转的物体上贴图并打上光线以及融合(透明)处理等。-OpenGl implementation using Qt and moving three-dimensional space and if any of the bitmap object in the rotating map and marked with light and the integration of (transparent) treatment.
- OPENGL的仿真程序。michellemi文件夹中的程序是太阳系图,可控制各行星的旋转速度,可放大缩小,可调整视角;mi文件夹中的程序是简单的一个球体绕另一个球体的旋转图,有添加光源的按键。-OPENGL simulation program. michellemi folder in the program is the solar system map, you can control the planet' s rotation speed, zoom, adjust the vi
- Opengl贴图,并且加了光照,物体为8面体,没有地面,贴了一张方图。-Opengl map, and added a light, 8-sided object, not the ground, put up a histogram.
- 利用OpenGL實作shadow map,程式碼可以直接執行。 1.利用鍵盤方向十字鍵可以控制光的位置。 2.F1鍵可以決定是用mipmap還是anisotropic filter。 3.滑鼠的中間滾輪點擊一下,可以使camera自動旋轉,再按一下就停止轉動。 4.PageDown降低camera的高度,PageUp則是增加camera的高度。-OpenGL implementation shadow map, the code can be executed directly.
- 本文档实现opengl的纹理贴图,光照,摄像机漫游,含有随机球和迷宫,含有三种物体贴图,三种光源的切换-This document realize opengl texture map, illumination, camera roaming, has random ball and maze, contains three kinds of object map, three of the light switch
- 本文就怎么利用vb结合opengl来研发三维地质构造图的基本步骤进行了周详地介绍,其中对像素格式的设定及光照和材质的设置进行了周详的描述。-This article on how to use vb to develop three-dimensional combination of opengl geological map of the basic steps to carry out a very thorough introduction, which set the pixel fo
- 使用MFC的CMainFrame写的雪花飘落的OpenGL程序,用了纹理贴图和多种环境光源,真实感很强,有利于初学者学习。-Written using MFC CMainFrame flake of OpenGL program, use the texture map and a variety of environmental light source, strong sense of reality, for beginners to learn.