- php-eb game基于PHP环境的宠物养成程序 早期的网页游戏代码 对于现今的网页游戏也有很*价值 繁体中文版-php-eb game environment based on PHP page pets develop procedures for the early game code for today' s web game also has great reference value for Traditional Chinese
- 微客农场复利系统是一个以php+mysql进行开发的php直销系统源码。自动结算宠物产生的金币,宠物将每天产生金币触发型网页自动执行和结算.(The compound profit system of micro guest farm is a source of PHP direct selling system developed by php+mysql. Automatic settlement of gold coins produced by pets. Pets will prod
- 无心宠物是一款php编写的,针对Discuz!的论坛插件,算是最经典的论坛在线游戏之一了。其中包含:宠物中心、宠物银行、转生所、宠物列表、我的宠物、物品合成、系统记录、宠物家族、事务所、魔武学院、宠物任务、竞技场、道具店、交易中心、野战。 ? ?? ? 系统完整,功能完整,BUG都修正了,可以正常进行游戏,每个功能都能正常使用。(Unintentional pets are written by PHP, and Discuz Forum Forum is one of the most