用于 mysql 的php通用接口类
- php的Mysql低层接口发展到现在,已经有三种接口类型了,分别是:Mysql、Mysqli、PDO。Mysql属于最早期的Mysql数据库接口,不支持面向对象的调用方式。Mysqli及PDO开始都支持面向对象了。 这三种接口的使用方式上都有些少差别,例如在fetch处理方式: mysql: mysql_fetch_array($result, $link); mysqli: mysqli_fetch_array($result, $link); &n
php_scre 开源的PHP文件加密程序
- php_scre 开源的PHP文件加密程序。官方只提供LINUX版本的,在这里我提供一个WINDOWS版本的,里面带有项目文件,可以直接用VC编译。,php_scre open-source PHP file encryption program. LINUX version of the official only, and in here I offer a WINDOWS version, which with the project file, you can directly comp
- PHP工作流引擎,一个文档,怎么用php实现一个工作流引擎!,PHP workflow engine, a document, how to use php to achieve a working engine!
- 通过PHP读出数据库的记录内容,绘制一个flash的拓扑图,支持节点拖动,收放子节点等,PHP读出数据Treasury through the records of the contents of a flash map of the topology map, support for drag nodes, child nodes, such as folding
- 一个小巧的PHP+mysql的留言板源码,非常简练美观,A compact PHP+ Mysql message board source code is very concise and beautiful
- PHP表单生成系统,生成表单很简单,不用再为复杂表单发愁-PHP form generation system to generate a form is very simple, do not have to worry about complex forms
- php最近越来越好用了,这是一个用php 和 mysql做的网上商店系统eshop-php technology is more and more popular .this is a Internet Shopping System which is called eshop, programmed by php and mysql, with source code
- 这是在暑假和几个同学,用php+mysql开发的问卷调查系统。-This is the summer and a few students developed using php+ mysql survey system.
- 一个简单的学生管理系统,用于php与mysql的教学-A simple student management system for teaching php and mysql
- PHP实例练习 很多但回答说的 呈现的师傅都是 -PHP a lot of examples of practice but said that the presentation of the master are
- 一个更能齐全但方便简单的聊天室源码,时候中小型网站使用。-A more comprehensive but easy-source chat room, when the use of small and medium-sized site.
- 一个大型的网络聊天室,模式模仿sina,使用与各种类型的网站。-A large network of chat rooms, models to imitate sina, use with all types of websites.
- 一个简单的PHP邮件发送类,基本可实现后台自动发送邮件,适合做找回密码或实现其他邮件发送功能。-PHP a simple e-mail categories, the basic background to automatically send e-mail implementation, suitable for implementation to do to find passwords or other e-mail function.
- 学习php的好帮手,好工具。希望大家喜欢-Learning php a good helper, a good tool. I hope you like
- php crypt an s to facilitate the creation of dynamic graph and give a professional look to your web page
- 《PHP 5 权威编程 三大牛人合力之作》这本书的作者是PHP5 首席设计师Andi Gutmans、PEAR 创始人Stig Saether Bakken、PHP 核心贡献者Derick三位业内大师级的人物,全面介绍了PHP 5中的新功能、面向对象编程方法及设计模式,还分析阐述了PHP 5中新的数据库连接处理、错误处理和XML处理等机制。-" PHP 5 programming authority of the three cows were together for" Th
- php开发实例完全剖析,可作为毕业设计参考-php development of examples of complete analysis can be used as a reference design graduate
- 2009论坛毕业设计正文,论文介绍了简易论坛开发的步骤和方法-2009 Design Forum, the body of graduate thesis introduced a simple forum for the development of procedures and methods
- 提供了450个应用PHP进行网站开发的实例,包括:CSS与JAVA脚本的应用、PHP与MYSQL的数据库技术、网络通信、PHP的高级应用等,绝大多数实例都体现了PHP开发人员在实际项目中总结出的经验技巧。-450 application to provide a PHP example for web site development, including: CSS and JAVA application scr ipt, PHP and MYSQL database technology,
- This is a test. I want to learn about MT6225 firmware development.-This is a test. I want to learn about MT6225 firmware development.