- this a PIC code + simulation file that demonstrate how to use charlieplexing to drive many seven segment display digits using a single PORT in PIC microcontroller.user need "Mkrobasic" to open source code and "Proteus" to open simulation-this is a PI
- this is pic asm code for a clock using seven segment display. On board RTC
- sbc28pc开发板应用实例程序,需要在MPLAB中运行编译,可以直接下载入pic18f258单片机运行实现对拓展板的显示调节;压缩文件中包含sbc28pc开发板及其外接拓展板的说明文件。-This zip file archive contains the MPLAB project and all source code for the "updown_mc18" project. This project is an example of how to use the DEV7TC
- seven segment dispaly ... this project is a smart method to interface seven segments with a minimum required pins of microcontroller ... this code written in mikroc and we use PIC microcontroller and shift registers used to take the data serially for
- 这个程序是4路抢答器的程序,这个程序实现的功能是:当主持人按下抢答键后,参赛选手才可以进行抢答。抢答时能发出声响,并通过七段数码管显示是哪位选手抢答的。这个程序在PIC单片机上测试过,效果良好-This program is 4-way Responder program, this program is to achieve the function: When the host pressed to answer in key, players can only answer in. Res
- 这个程序是车辆里程表的程序。该程序通过定时器1进行定时计数,并将定时计数结果显示在七段数码管上。这个程序在PIC单片机上测试过,运行良好-This program is the vehicle odometer program. The program timer by Timer 1 to count and time count results on the seven segment. This program tested on the PIC microcontroller, runn
- seven segment module using pic micro-controller
- An example of how to control a 7-segment display with a simple keyboard in PIC 16F628 microcontroller.
- this project describes pic seven segment library based on MPLAB C18 software and hardware uart best example
- microe c code pic drive ds1307 using pic16f88 with 4 seven segment displays.
- microe c code pic drive pcf8583 using pic16f88 with 4 seven segment displays.
- This microchip PIC microcontroller and large seven segment display interfacing circuit and code-This is microchip PIC microcontroller and large seven segment display interfacing circuit and code
- Seven Segment in PIC16F887