- Plots a polar figure in dB
- this matlab code is about polar-db. this program is very good to polrize .
- Matlab routine for basic polar plot in dB
- matlab写的二维天线仿真,可获得场图,功率图,包括DB和线性尺寸的。- This interactive MATLAB program is used to plot two-dimensional (2-D)polar.And The program can plot any of the following: 1. Field pattern (linear scale) 2. Power pattern (linear scale) 3. Power pattern (in dB
- 极坐标下的分贝画图。matlab中极坐标画图函数为polar,但是无法画出转化为dB的图形,此函数为画db为单位数据的极坐标图形。-Db drawing in polar coordinates . matlab polar coordinate drawing functions for the polar , but can not draw dB graphics , this function graphics for painting db data in polar coordina
- This a MATLAB based program that computes the: I. Maximum directivity (dimensionless and in dB) II. Radiation resistance (Rr) III. Input resistance (Rin) IV. Reactance relative to current maximum (Xm) V. Input reactance (Xin) VI. N
- 将角度和幅度的二维数组画成dB值的polar图- POLARDB Polar coordinate plot. POLARDB(THETA, RHO) makes a plot using polar coordinates of the angle THETA, in radians, versus the radius RHO in dB. The maximum value of RHO should not exceed 1. It sh
- To plot normalized field strength, normalized power and normalized power(dB) vs polar angle theta for antennas - To plot normalized field strength, normalized power and normalized power(dB) vs polar angle theta for antennas
- This a MATLAB based program that computes the: - Maximum directivity (dimensionless and in dB) - Radiation resistance (Rr) - Input resistance (Rin) - Reactance relative to current maximum (Xm) - Input reactance (Xin) - Normalized current
- DIPOLE antenna design with POLAR dB Plot
- Array vs array factor calculation vs Polar dB plot MATLAB code