- Labview 7.1 USB手柄并口控制步进马达。手柄比例控制马达转速。,USB Joystick control step motor via PC para print port(DB25).
- xl系列单片机实验仪演示程序 LCD1602显示 步进电机控制器速度方向圈数可调 LCD1602显示 步进电机控制器速度方向圈数可调 K1-启动与停止步进电机运行 K2-设定步进电机运行圈数 (1-20圈) K3-设定步进电机转动方向 K4-设定步进电机运行速度 步进电机的转速控制分16档,数字越小,转速越快。 7.5度步进电机;周期7.5×4=30度,电机转动一圈需12个周期 资源:p1.0-p1.3接反向器74ls14,输出后接步进电机 p3.7接小喇叭提供按键音, p1.4-p1.7接端口
- Source code for PIC microcontroller to control 3 Step motor, communicate with PC via LPT port. Application: CNC machine, 3 axis machine-Source code for PIC microcontroller to control 3 Step motor, communicate with PC via LPT port. Application: CNC ma
- 本程序是在CCS环境下利用C语言编写的一个控制步进电机的程序,其中包括控制电机的旋转速度、方向以及步数,从大体上概括了TMS320VC5402的片外围设备及I/O口的编程方式.-This procedure is in the CCS environment using C language under a stepper motor control program, including the control of motor rotation speed, direction, as wel
- 程序工作流程是: 1、产品按下电源开关,给电机及电刷供电,电机开始转 动,单片机得电也开始工作; 2、循环等待24圈,让电机转速基本稳定; 3、一圈计时,然后根据需要显示的总点数计算出每点的 延时; 4、检测同步信号; 5、取显示数据输出到端口上、延时,重复显示完所有的 数据; 6、一直重复第4、5步。-Workflow process are: 1, product press the power switch, power supply to the mo
- This a sample of OUT instruction. It writes values to virtual I/O port that controls the stepper-motor. Try using datCCW, datCW_FS or datCCW_FS instead of datCW to get different behavior of the motor. -This is a sample of OUT instruction. It writes v
- PC机键盘控制MCU产生PWM波,进而控制电动机的转速 利用52单片机外部晶振11.0592MHz,产生准确的波特率119200,实现MCU与PC机的通信,PC机发送字符在 1 - 9 范围内时,MCU的IO口即响应输出对应占空比的pwm波(占空比10 -90 ,10 步进),Pwm波由定时器T0模拟产生。 胡雪川 huxuec@yahoo.com.cn 2010.1.2 程序有待改进完善,不足之处,欢迎各位提出-PC-keyboard control MCU gen
- 利用ST7F234的PA口驱动步进电机;利用定时器输出比较功能定义了1ms时间来定义步进电机1个pluse时间驱动步进电机正转、反转的代码-Driver function for step motor by using timer function of ST7 to drive on port A
- 采用51单片机驱动直流步进马达的测试程序,注意端口和驱动能力-With 51 single-chip stepper motor driver dc test procedures, pay attention to the port and drive capability
- Control Step motor and use serial port to control-Control Step motor and use serial port to control
- 激光加工控制系统能读入plt文件,然后仿真,再通过并口输出x y步步进电机的驱动driver信号及开关光信号实现激光雕刻 -Laser processing control system can be read into the plt file, and then simulation, through a parallel port output xy step by step into the driver of the motor driver signal and switch
- DSP控制步进电机原理 由DSP输出的PWM3~6做为步进电机的4个信号线输入,选了PWM的IO口.-DSP controlled stepper motor principle by the DSP output for PWM3 ~~ four signal line input as a stepper motor, select the IO port of the PWM.
- 步进电机测试程序,功能包括正转和反转。5线4相,可以用普通uln2003芯片驱动,也可以接成2相使用,可以配套5V单片机开发板直接使用,直接插接,方便使用。具体接线方式参考代码的端口定义。-Stepper motor test procedures, functions, including forward and reverse. 5-wire and 4-phase drive ordinary uln2003 chip can also be connected into a 2-phas
- 用STM32F407主芯片,实现以太网通信,同时,通过PWM信号和定时方式实现对步进电机的驱动控制,也提供伺服电机的驱动控制。-the Board is mainly used the chipset STM32F407,through ethernet port,communicated with otherside.by the chipset s PWM function,Timer function,realize supporting the function of STEP moto
- 设计采用凌阳16 位单片机SPCE061A对步进电机进行控制,通过IO口输出的具有时序的方波作为步进电机的控制信号,信号经过芯片L298N驱动步进电机-The design of sunplus SPCE061A 16-bit single chip for stepping motor control, through the IO port output with sequence of square wave as a stepping motor control signal, the
- 上位机(PC机或具有串口的其他控制设备)通过RS232串口连接到本控制板后,向控制板发送一串ASCII代码指令既可控制步进电机的转向、转速、步进量,完全不需了解步进电机及驱动器的工作原理。例如:串口发送"S100",则步进电机将顺时针以每分钟100转的速度旋转,串口发送"N300",则步进电机将逆时针以每分钟300转的速度旋转;串口发送"S100J",则步进电机将顺时针步进100个步距角,串口发送"N1000J",则步进电机将逆时针步进1000个步距角。用于精密转速控制、精密运动控制、精密机械加
- 用8051端口控制步进电机,编写程序输出脉冲序列到8051端口,控制步进电机正转,反转,加速,减速。-8051 port stepper motor control, programming of the output pulse sequence to the 8051 port, stepper motor control forward, reverse, speed up, slow down.
- 本代码为步进电机驱动程序,并通过串口将步进电机的转速方向,电机步距,电机转速发送出去-The code for the stepper motor driver and stepper motor through the serial port speed direction, step motor, the motor speed to send out
- 步进电机的简单源码。接合8255 的PC口设置按键来控制电机的起停。-Stepper motor control source. Joining 8255 PC port settings buttons to control the motor stops.
- STM32 串口协议调试步进电机,实现通过协议解析来实现不仅电机开关控制(A serial port protocol debugging step motor, implemented by protocol parsing is not only the motor switch control)