- 中频感应加热以其加热效率高、速度快,可控性好及易于实现机械化、自动化等优点,已在熔炼、铸造、弯管、热锻、焊接和表面热处理等行业得到广泛的应用。 本设计根据设计任务进行了方案设计,设计了相应的硬件电路,研制了20KW中频感应加热电源。 本设计中感应加热电源采用IGBT作为开关器件,可工作在10 Hz~10 khz频段。它由整流器、滤波器、和逆变器组成。整流器采用不可控三相全桥式整流电路。滤波器采用两个电解电容和一个电感组成Ⅱ型滤波器滤波和无源功率因数校正。逆变器主要由pwm控制器SG352
- 用T0定时器控制输出pwm,占空比10 到80 可按键调节,输出频率可用按键调节,1khz,5khz,7khz,三个之间变化-T0 timer control output using pwm, duty cycle 10 to 80 of buttons adjust the output frequency can be adjusted keys, 1khz, 5khz, 7khz, varied between three
- // This program provides simple DC motor control using the PCA 8-bit pwm Mode. // The ADC is used to read the potentiometer voltage on P0.6. The ADC uses // polled mode and 64 sample averaging. The 8-bit pwm is configured to operate // at 24 kH
- 用avr16单片机,编译环境在ICC实现对pwm波的控制,为9位快速pwm波模式。通过两个独立按键能实现对占空比的调节。频率在20khz以上。-With avr16 microcontroller, compile environment in the ICC to realize the control of pwm waves, a fast pwm waves for 9 mode. Through the two independent buttons can realize to th
- The 33886 is a monolithic H-Bridge ideal for fractional horsepower DC-motor and bi-directional thrust solenoid control. The IC incorporates internal control logic, charge pump, gate drive, and low RDS(ON) MOSFET output circuitry. The 33886 is a
- The 33886 is a monolithic H-Bridge ideal for fractional horsepower DC-motor and bi-directional thrust solenoid control. The IC incorporates internal control logic, charge pump, gate drive, and low RDS(ON) MOSFET output circuitry. The 33886 is a
- pwm using 16f877a ccp1 &ccp2 variable duty cycle 10 khz 10 mhz xtal used
- This example of AC-DC-AC converter illustrates use of Universal Bridge, Multimeter, and Powergui blocks, as well as discrete control blocks of the Extras library.-A 60 Hz, voltage source feeds a 50 Hz, 50 kW load through an AC-DC-AC converter. The 60
- 产生一个占空比为50 的脉冲pwm波形,要求这个脉冲波形按照以下要求对脉冲频率进行变化: 从500khz(对应2us周期)到10khz(对应100us周期)每个脉冲周期时间递增,每次递增1us。当脉冲周期时间递增到100us时,下一个脉冲周期为2us。如此循环-From 500 khz (corresponding to 2 us cycle) to 10 khz (100 us cycle) corresponding to each pulse cycle time increasing
- pwm1和pwm2输出频率为1khz的pwm波形。波形的占空比每隔1s变化5 ,范围在10 到90 之间。 -pwm1 and pwm2 output frequency of 1 khz pwm waveform.Waveform of the duty ratio changes every 1 s 5 , in the range between 10 and 90
- pwm1和pwm2输出频率为1khz的pwm波形。波形的占空比每隔1s变化5 ,范围在10 到90 之间。-pwm1 and pwm2 output frequency of 1 khz pwm waveform.Waveform of the duty ratio changes every 1 s 5 , in the range between 10 and 90 .
- xs128芯片pwm波测试程序,频率为4khz,占空比50 -Xs128 chip pwm wave test procedure, frequency of 4 khz, 50 duty cycle
- 初始化EVA,使得pwm1和pwm2输出互补的周期为1khz的pwm波,占空比初始化 10 ,死区时间为4.27us。-Initialize the EVA, makes the pwm1 and pwm2 output complementary pwm wave for a period of 1 khz, 10 duty cycle is initialized, dead zone of 4.27 us.
- Wide-range supply voltage, 4.5 V to 21.5 V Three power output configurations: – 2 channels of ternary pwm (2 x 20 W into 8 at 18 V) + pwm output – 2 channels of ternary pwm (2 x 20 W into 8 at 18 V) + ternary
- pwm0输出500K方波信号 采集按键数据变化 根据按键数据量变化范围确定是否有按键,pwm输出500khz方波信号 对电容进行充放电,当手指触摸到金属件 电容参数发生变化,从而电压发生变化,利用AD功能检测变化量,就知道有按键 触摸按键有电阻和电容之分-pwm0 output 500 k square wave signal acquisition button data changes According to the key data volume range to determi