- 8051单片机控制外部设备,读取外部设备状态,外部中断的应用,中断的深入理解,变量和标记的灵活应用,定时器的灵活应用,可编程自动控制的方法,按键控制设备动作的方法,pwm 输出的设计,存储器的读写,延时报警器的设计,各种报警音的设计,音乐播放的设计,程序模块化的设计等等知识。-8051 to control external equipment, reading the state of the external equipment, external interrupt the applica
- This is a photo of a general purpose timer/counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC s ISA bus just like a sound or modem card. It gives high-resolution timing (microseconds). Because of its programmablity, it is very powerful
- This a p熟悉SQL SERVER 2000的数据库管理员都知道,其DTS可以进行数据的导入导出,其实,我们也可以使用Transact-SQL语句进行导入导出操作。在 Transact-SQL语句中,我们主要使用OpenDataSource函数、OPENROWSET 函数,关于函数的详细说明,请参考SQL联机帮助。利用下述方法,可以十分容易地实现SQL SERVER、ACCESS、EXCEL数据转换,hoto of a general purpose timer/counter card
- This is a photo of a general purpose timer/ 在我们写的程序当中,总有一些配置信息需要保存下来,以便完成程序的功能,最简单的办法就是将这些信息写入INI文件中,程序初始化时再读入.具体应用如下:counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC s ISA bus just like a sound or modem card. It gives high-resolutio
- 以AVRMEGA32播放SD卡中的WAV音乐,其中包括SD卡的驱动,FAT文件系统等,以pwm方式输出声音,SD card to play AVRMEGA32 of WAV music, including the SD card drive, FAT file system, so as to pwm output sound
- 这是一个使用 lpc2103 做的语音播放器,特别之处在于采用了pwm将16位数字信号转换为模拟信号,可以达到CD的播放音质,带全部源码.,This is a voice so use LPC2103 player, so special is the use of the pwm will be 16-bit digital signal is converted to analog signals, can achieve the CD player sound quality, with
- 本代码是在arm-lpc2220上做的一个pwm播放wav声音的源代码。,This code is in the arm-lpc2220 on to do a pwm player wav sound source.
- stm32利用pwm波播放WAV声音文件-stm32 use of pwm wave play WAV sound files
- 电路图 里面有许多实用电路图 51编程器电路图 51单片机LED点阵电子显示屏的设计电路图 89C51单片机号音自动播放器的设计 单片机看门狗电路图 单片机控制的带语音报数功能的抢答器-There are many practical circuit diagram circuit diagram circuit diagram 51 of programmer 51 Single-chip LED dot matrix display design of electronic circu
- 简易的EASYARM1138蜂鸣器发声程序-Easy EASYARM1138 buzzer sound procedures for
- This a simple program that uses a dsPIC30F3012 to reproduce a sound stored in a EEPROM using pwm signals.-This is a simple program that uses a dsPIC30F3012 to reproduce a sound stored in a EEPROM using pwm signals.
- pwm控制LED的亮度仿真程序,使用KEil编辑,Proteus上仿真效果良好!-pwm control of LED brightness simulation program, using KEil editing, Proteus simulation effect on the sound!
- 通过这30个教程,初学者可以学到:单片机控制外部设备,读取外部设备状态,外部中断的应用,中断的深入理解,变量和标记的灵活应用,定时器的灵活应用,可编程自动控制的方法,按键控制设备动作的方法,pwm输出的设计,存储器的读写,延时报警器的设计,各种报警音的设计,音乐播放的设计,程序模块化的设计等等知识-30 through this tutorial, beginners can learn: SCM control external devices, read the external equip
- This code is in the arm-lpc2220 on to do a pwm player wav sound source.-This code is in the pic on to communicate with fm1702
- 利用ARM单片机时间定时和pwm,将音乐(隐形的翅膀。。。)通过0到4KHz的蜂鸣器频率发声,最原始的音乐播放功能,可以让大家学习下声音的原理-ARM MCU time to time and using pwm, the music (invisible wings...) Through 0 to 4KHz the buzzer frequency sound, best original music playback function, allowing them to learn un
- 1.用3、4个IO及R-2R电阻网络作3、4BitDAC 2.用pwm输出 3.用专用音乐旋律发生芯片 4.用硬波表的声卡或MIDI芯片 -1. With 3, 4 IO and R- 2R resistor network make 3, 4BitDAC 2. Using pwm output 3. Using the dedicated music melody happen chip 4. Watch with a stiff wave sound car
- LED (发光二极管)作为一种新型光源,具有高效节能、绿色环保、使用寿命长等其 他光源无法比拟的优点,代表着未来照明技术的发展方向。本文设计了一种以AT89S51 单 片机为核心的家用多功能白光LED 台灯系统,采用PT4115 大功率LED 恒流驱动方案,可 实现对LED 台灯的pwm 多级调光控制;同时,系统兼有时间日历、温度检测、液晶显示、 声光闹钟等多项功能。本文详细给出系统的硬件与软件设计过程。实验证明,该多功能LED 台灯
- how to make sound with pwm from chip memory
- sep4020开发板pwm模块驱动程序,用pwm波形使蜂鸣器发出响声-pwm module sep4020 development board driver to sound the buzzer sounded, with the pwm waveform
- STM32F030单片机编写的pwm,可做为按键音等功能;采用两个定时器,产生两路的pwm,可分别使用;-STM32F030 microcontroller pwm, written as a function of the sound and so on Use two timers, produce two pwm, can be used separately